Things I hope are NOT in the Bestiary 5

Product Discussion

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Well since the Numeria AP is called Iron Gods then I would be disappointed that there are no giant robots. Besides giant robots could be from other planets like verces, aballon, or from beyond the solar system.

If they have empyreal lords make there mental stats much higher and if they have any more demon lords make there int lower.

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No one's against people having games without robots. You're welcome to play low-tech games. That's great. But some of us just want the option to have a greater variety of plots. There is so much plot fodder from the introduction of tech to a fantasy world, and I love it.

There's no wrong way to play Pathfinder.

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Orthos wrote:

In seriousness, a disease is not carte blanche to just do whatever you want and a blanket excuse for "I have a condition, you can't punish me".

Alcoholism is a disease. We still punish people for doing things under the influence that are wrong. Driving drunk, drunk and disorderly, etc.

I don't do anything wrong, this is a topic to make anti-wishes. You just hate me for it and then blame me for having an anti sci-fiction attitude.

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Since this has become an argument of "sci-fi" vs. "fantasy" and the modern opinion that one is chocolate, the other peanut butter, and the forced mixture of the two not always being desirable... I'll just have to do what I always do in that case:

Science Fiction is an arbitrarily contrived sub-section of Fantasy - both having evolved from the same literary origins. There is no functional difference between any "fantasy" creature and an "alien" creature, nor between a "magical" weapon and a "high-tech" weapon.

Somewhere along the line someone decided to divide the category of writing known simply as Fiction into sub-groups, and those sub-groups into smaller groups still, and even occasionally carve out another smaller group within - all just to slap labels on things, form up "teams" as a result, and as a natural part of forming teams created an unnecessarily hostile attitude of "my team vs. everyone else"

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Making it available isn't forced inclusion. Making it unavailable IS forced exclusion.

I'm really starting to understand why so many people on this forum seem to dislike you.

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