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The group I play with is starting Rise of the Rune Lords anniversary edition campaign and I am planning on playing a bard. Our party consists of an Ancient Lorekeeper Oracle of Time, Evoker Admixture Wizard, Two-handed Fighter, Melee Inquisitor and myself a bard. We expect to get to about 18th level by the end of the adventure path. I'm Focusing on Super Buffing ... am I missing anything good?
I plan on going with a human bard with the following stats with human bonus in Charisma.
Str 14, Con 14, Dex 14, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 16
As I level up I will put my bonus stats in Charisma. I will take the alternate race feature Focused Study for the skill focus feats at 1, 8 and 16. I'm going to take the human favored class bonus of extra spells known.
I plan on using a long spear and fighting from behind the Inquisitor and fighter. I also want a reach weapon because I plan to have the Flagbearer feat and get or make a Banner of the Ancient Kings.
I am going to take the Pitax: Academy of Grand Arts and Sound Striker archetypes. With the plans to take eldritch heritage Imperious Bloodline which gives two great abilities for a bard.
Imperious Bloodline Gives
Heroic Echo (Su): At 3rd level, when you receive a morale bonus from any spell, spell-like ability, or magic item, including those you cast on yourself, that bonus increases by +1. At 9th level, this ability also applies to competence bonuses. If you receive a morale effect (or a competence effect at 9th level) that affects an area or multiple targets, as an immediate action you can share your increased bonus with all other recipients. This increase to other participants lasts a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus. You can use this ability once per day, plus one time per three levels after 3rd.
Heroic Legends (Su): At 15th level, you may inspire greatness or inspire heroics as a bard of your sorcerer level by sacrificing a spell slot as a swift or move action. The effect lasts a number of rounds equal to the sacrificed spell's level; this duration is doubled for human recipients.
So the build will look like the following
Human Bard 18 - Sound Striker and "Focused Performer"
Traits Reactionary, Eager Performer (campaign trait)
1) Bard – Flagbearer +1, Skill focus (Perform Oratory) Inspire Courage +1
2) Bard – Extra Performance (Oratory)
3) Bard – Word Strike, Arcane Strike
4) Bard –
5) Bard – Master Performer – Inspire courage +3
6) Bard – Weird Words
7) Bard – Eldritch Heritage (Imperious) – "Student of Humanity"
8) Bard – Skill Focus (Diplomacy) – Extra Perform Oratory
9) Bard – Grand Master Performer Inspire Courage +4
10) Bard – Masterpiece Life Budding in Salted Earth (3rd level spell known)
11) Bard – Improved Eldritch Heritage (Imperious) "Heroic Echo" Inspire courage +6 Flagbearer +2
12) Bard
13) Bard – Discordant Voice
14) Bard – Extra Perform Oratory
15) Bard – Craft Wondrous Items banner of the ancient Kings Inspire courage +7 Flagbearer +3
16) Bard – Masterpiece Clamor of the Heavens (5th level spell Known), Skill Focus (Bluff)
17) Bard – Greater Eldritch Heritage "Heroic Legends"
18) Bard
Tactics for Higher level.
Once I can cast Virtuoso performance I will be using that to have inspire courage and Weird words going each round. Then When I can cast Shadow Bard I will also have that doing the Masterpiece Life Budding in Salted Earth for extra healing. So I will have 3 bardic performances going at the same time. Then with either a swift or a move (at level 17) I will also be adding in Inspire heroics with spell slots (from the Heroic Legends Power). Since most or all of my companions count as human it is usually extended, and master/grandmaster performer increases the bonus by 2 it is +6 ac and saves. So basically 4 bardic songs going plus flagbearer at +3.
This should be some crazy buffs and pretty good damage with weird words.
Are there feats I'm not taking or other ways to have additional songs going at one time? Are there better buffs to be using?