High Save Build with no where to go, Suggestions?


I'm putzen around with a lvl 5 halfling build/ 20 pnt buy / Synthesizers are banned / and I cant find anything this would roll into come lvl 6. At lvl 5 its fine by me but I just see lvl 6 being a useless non themed advance.... bah well here's what I got
Halfling Level 5 2 lvls monk/2 lvls paladin/1 lvl cleric
Str 7
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 7
Wis 14
Cha 20

Monk adds +3/+3/+3 Paladin adds +8/+5/+8 Cleric adds +3/+1/+3
Those include divine grace and domain protection then I added fates favored so halfling adds +4/+4/+4 attributes and luck

So fifth level
Fort 18
Dex 13
Will 18

and thats it.

I would continue cleric but charisma is the wrong stat as this character should clearly be a caster.

And Don't Recommend Dragon Disciple. Thats bad... bad advice giver, Bad!

Thanks Clevers Peoples! :D

Shadow Lodge

Well...you might as well take the second level of paladin and get another +5 to all your saves.

@Sir: He already is level 2 paladin.

@Lo: You could go oracle and take the mystery (lore or nature, not sure) that allows you to get cha to ref save instead of dex. That would up your ref by another +3, oracle is a caster and it uses cha.
But your casterlevel will always suck because of the 5 wasted levels. And oracle only has 1 good save.

All in all your build seems rather weak in everything but saves. Are you already playing him? Or is it still a in the concept phase?

If still in development and are not set on casting you could do the following to be a high save archer:
Zen archer 3 /paladin 2/ oracle 1
By doing this you can dump dex, too as you get cha to dex and ref and wis to hit with the bow.

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Sounds kind of like a build I did, except I went 3 Paladin/5 Monk so far.
But just to clarify, Fates Favored doesn't increase Halfling Luck since it's a "racial bonus" not a "luck" bonus, unless you have some magic item or spell that gives you a specific luck bonus to your Saving Throws.

The reason I went with 3 Levels of Paladin is for the Holy Tactician Archetype, and taking the teamwork feat <Shake it Off> which can increase all your saves by +1 for each ally that you share that feat with, up to a +4 total to all your saves. Making your saves even more ridiculous. And with continuing to level Monk you get Evasion, and all those goodies. You can also go with Hungry Ghost Monk, to regain your Ki points, along with Qinggong Monk, to get nifty things like Barkskin (more AC) and with your 1 level dip in Cleric, if your deity were Sarenrae you could take the feat <Crusader's Flurry> so you could Flurry of Blows with a Scimitar, with Dervish Dance, adding your Dex to hit and Damage instead of Strength, and if you picked up <Improved Critical> later on, critting on 15-20, meaning with a Hungry Ghost Monk while flurrying, you could build your Ki Pool back up very quickly.

Then you'd have both ridiculous AC and Saves, Fight Defensively with Crane Style/Wing, with a Scimitar in one hand and nothing in the other.

Champion of Irori?

Protection domain is not really worth it since it won't stack with your Cloak of Resistance. It can be ok for a full cleric to save a slot and some money for the cloak, but for a 1 level dip it is probably not worth it- and you'll be short enough on caster levels as it is.

I think a simple Sorcadin would work better (Paladin 2/Sorceror 18). You'll still have amazing saves and your casting won't be entirely crippled. That's assuming you want an actually playable build and not simply to theorycraft insanely high saves :-)

@Xorran You're right man, why didn't I see it, it's gotta be the half-orc with sacred tattoos. And man did you go off... in a good way. I like all your selections and it does look like the choice bits from the buffet.

I am trying to go whore save (thanks paladin) while not trying to piss away the lead stat of charisma (f*** you paladin). Its love/hate.

So yes @Umbranus it still is just a concept. But I like where your going as well.

It's looking like Paladin is a tether to this concept and thanks for the advice.

It's probably a lost cause to get stupid saves by level 5 and have something workable past that.

I'd suggest finding a prestige class (possibly the Paladin/Monk one in Paths of Prestige) to go into. Or Halfling Opportunist from Halflings of Golarion. Prestige classes often have abilities that scale based on class level (instead of 1/2 class level) so they can catch up to a base class in ability.

Take something that will benefit from your high charisma anyhow :), or just keep going Paladin, with archery. Or two levels of Ranger give quite a few class features, and +3/+3/+0 saves.

You could kill the Lucky bonus to be a Jinx, which is charisma based, but honestly it's tough to use effectively (trying myself).

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