Is Undead Uprising broken?

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

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First, some facts:
Undead Uprising (Scenario card) says: "When you defeat a Zombie Minion henchmen from a location deck, randomly select an option location and shuffle the Z.M. into that deck."

Zombie Minion (Henchman card) says: "If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close this location."

Now then, in a 4 player game there is, 1 location with a Villian, 3 locations with "named" henchmen, and 2 with Zombie Minion henchmen.
Let's say (to make this example easier) if the very first card of the game IS a Zombie Minion and you defeat it, shuffle it into another location and continue to play. Few min go by, you move to another location and just happen to get Zombie Minion..... You do not know if the Z.M. is an one of the two you originally seeded, or if its the new one.
Do you really close the location every time? That means in a 4 player game you will start with 2 ZMs, those turn into 2 more, and those could turn into yet 2 more!
You could beat this scenario with out EVER even seeing Caizarlu (villian), Pidget, Habe, or Grayst (the other henchmen in this scenario)... Is this really correct?

You still have to defeat the villain to end the scenario; closing all locations isn't enough.

Also, you banish the rest of the cards when you close a location; this includes all the other Zombie Minions there.

How do you ever see the villian if the ZMs are closing off locations? (That is, if you get ZMs to shuffle above the villian/other henchmen.)

As you said, you banish all cards in the pile when you close a location.
- Location 1 has ZM, it gets defeated and shuffled into Pile 2 (just for sake of example)
- Location 2 ALSO has the Villain (but you do not know that yet)
- Move to Location 2 and you get ZM (unknown to you, the next card would have been the villain) and you close the location as the ZM card says... there by banishing the villain with out ever even seeing it.

What, if any thing, prevents this?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

The rulebook prevents it, on page 13, under "Closing A Location":

"If you succeed at meeting the “When Closing” requirement, search through the location deck, take out the villain if it is there, and banish the rest of the cards. If you find the villain, it becomes the entirety of the location deck, and the location is not closed—but at least you know where the villain is!"

Page 13 of the rules has instructions for closing a location, which tell you to search the location deck when closing the location. If the villain is there, the location is NOT closed, and location deck is reduced to just the villain card. The villain is never banished without encountering it.

Christopher G Currie wrote:
"If you succeed at meeting the “When Closing” requirement, search through the location deck, take out the villain if it is there, and banish the rest of the cards. If you find the villain, it becomes the entirety of the location deck, and the location is not closed—but at least you know where the villain is!"

Ah, righto! Thank you much Christopher. I've read the whole book but I've oddly not encountered this problem yet after 50+ games.. A few min after searching forum then posting this, I actually just did that (leave the Villain) simply "seemed right" but am glad to see a straight rule about it. Thanks again

Oops, I meant "banish all the cards other than the villain". You can't ever banish the villain of a scenario other than defeating it. Sorry for not being clear :)

Also keep in mind that the zombie minions don't let you automatically close the locations, they only let you attempt it. There's plenty of times where you can attempt the close and fail.

So this scenario is quite nice in that there's a chance you'll get a henchman shuffled back into a location that failed to close, and thus have a chance to close it again before you go through all the cards.

ViolentNny wrote:
Christopher G Currie wrote:
"If you succeed at meeting the "When Closing" requirement, search through the location deck, take out the villain if it is there, and banish the rest of the cards. If you find the villain, it becomes the entirety of the location deck, and the location is not closed—but at least you know where the villain is!"
Ah, righto! Thank you much Christopher. I've read the whole book but I've oddly not encountered this problem yet after 50+ games.. A few min after searching forum then posting this, I actually just did that (leave the Villain) simply "seemed right" but am glad to see a straight rule about it. Thanks again

You've never encountered and defeated the villain when you couldn't corner him and then had him escape into another location, where you encountered the henchman first before the villain, closing the location only to discover the villain was still in there? In 50+ games? Wow, in about 20 games I've seen it happen maybe around 8 times.

I was surprised to see that if you play this scenario with 2 characters or less the whole mechanic of the Zombi Minion henchmen being sent to another location does not trigger since there is one Villain and 3 other named henchmen before a Zombi minion even makes it into a location deck.

The Villain summons a Zombi Minion but the scenario text only triggers when the zombi is encountered from the location deck, so these Zombi Minions are not added either.

So, i really did not get the sense that undead were rising everywhere. With more players it Seems like shuffling the zombi minion into another location deck just makes the scenario easier, since a player will know have more of an opportunity to close a location by encountering a Henchmen sooner. Maybe this mechanic works with more players.

Tracker1 wrote:

I was surprised to see that if you play this scenario with 2 characters or less the whole mechanic of the Zombi Minion henchmen being sent to another location does not trigger since there is one Villain and 3 other named henchmen before a Zombi minion even makes it into a location deck.

The Villain summons a Zombi Minion but the scenario text only triggers when the zombi is encountered from the location deck, so these Zombi Minions are not added either.

So, i really did not get the sense that undead were rising everywhere. With more players it Seems like shuffling the zombi minion into another location deck just makes the scenario easier, since a player will know have more of an opportunity to close a location by encountering a Henchmen sooner. Maybe this mechanic works with more players.

Tracker1, the first time I played this was with four players, and the mechanic definitely kicked in. It was very interesting and a definite addition to the challenge. When I later played with 2 players (and then again solo), it was a little disappointing that we didn't even have to deal with it.

I'm trying to puzzle this question out about this scenario. I think that you get to try and close the location BEFORE the scenario ability kicks in. Also, as per the rules, if the villain is in the location, it is not closed when you defeat a Henchman (you just remove the rest of the cards). So, it would be possible to have a Zombie Minion in that location with it being the last open location to have a never-ending loop if the villain ended up on the bottom consistently, right?

Or are my triggers going off at the wrong time? Luckily I had like 6 cards left in that location and drew the Villain first.

The one thing about this scenario is that it sure makes it hard to acquire boons as it seems like once the Minions get to moving, you can't help but keep stumbling over them like you're in The Walking Dead. I think my 6-character party acquired only 9 things with 4 coming from Val popping open a Large Chest.

kysmartman wrote:

I'm trying to puzzle this question out about this scenario. I think that you get to try and close the location BEFORE the scenario ability kicks in. Also, as per the rules, if the villain is in the location, it is not closed when you defeat a Henchman (you just remove the rest of the cards). So, it would be possible to have a Zombie Minion in that location with it being the last open location to have a never-ending loop if the villain ended up on the bottom consistently, right?

Or are my triggers going off at the wrong time? Luckily I had like 6 cards left in that location and drew the Villain first.

The one thing about this scenario is that it sure makes it hard to acquire boons as it seems like once the Minions get to moving, you can't help but keep stumbling over them like you're in The Walking Dead. I think my 6-character party acquired only 9 things with 4 coming from Val popping open a Large Chest.

The order of events here:

1. The -when defeated- occurs, moving the zombie to any open location (potentially where it came from, as well).
2. The -after defeating- occurs, with being able to attempt closing the location.
3. If the location is closed, then you banish cards, this will include any copies of the zombies in the location. If the villain's there, then the villain will remain, but the other cards will still be banished (again, including any zombies there).

With the zombies that are summoned as part of encountering the villain, these are -summoned- encounters. Summoned encounters do not trigger they're 'when defeated' abilities, they just go back in the box when defeated.

Deekow wrote:
Summoned encounters do not trigger they're 'when defeated' abilities, they just go back in the box when defeated.

@Deekow - I don't think that's right. Summoned encounters DO trigger their 'before/after the encounter' and 'when defeated' powers. EXCEPT that:

1) summoned cards do not summon other cards (no infinite loop) and

2) summoned henchmen (and villains, e.g. Sandpoint Devil) do not let you attempt to close the location (IMHO that text REALLY shouldn't be written on the henchman cards, it's more a reminder that you can close locations when you defeat a henchman from a location deck).

Now wait, are you sure? I ask because the Henchmen say IMMEDIATELY attempt to close the location, and the spawning ability is on the scenario card meaning it is a scenario effect. So are we saying that Scenario effects trump the word IMMEDIATELY (emphasis mine both times)? I don't care about it either way as it would actually make the scenario harder as there would possibly be much fewer Henchmen running around to close the locations quicker.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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I'm not completely clear on what the question is, but but the first post and the last post seem to suggest that their authors think that Undead Uprising spawns Zombie Minions. It does not. It just keeps the Zombie Minions that you defeat from leaving the game.

As soon as you encounter a Zombie Minion in a location deck, you fight it, and one of two things happen:

• If you defeat it, you immediately get to attempt to close the location. Then, whether or not you closed the location, you shuffle that very same Zombie Minion into a random open location.

• If you don't defeat it, you shuffle it back into the same location.

The only thing that causes new Zombie Minions to enter the game is Caizarlu Zerrin's "before the encounter" power, which summons a Zombie Minion for each player at his location; because they're summoned, they don't allow you to attempt to close the location, and—whether you defeat them or not—they go back in the box, not into a location deck.

Okay Vic, thanks for clearing that up for me, and letting me know that I played the scenario correctly.

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