Treasure Golem


So my players have decided to hit the Elder Thing pumping station on Akiton (it's for pumping water, not elder things). Therein lies the fabulous treasure of the First Born which will have many shiny bits in it and gleam in the light.

I want to make the treasure into it's own guardian.

What would be a good base monster to appropriate for this? I'd love a shoggoth but the players are too low level for that kind of monstrosity. I'm thinking of kind of reworking a kinder gentler CR 12 shoggoth and maybe give it construct traits because I am awful.

So is there a good ooze type monster I can appropriate or should I just stat something up?

I remember seeing a monster called a blade coin swarm somewhere recently... I'll see if I can round that up and give you a source.

Might not be "the" treasure monster, but you could easily have the treasure separate itself into multiple "creatures" that work together to destroy anyone attempting to steal them.

I personally dont know what oozes would do best, I'm unfamiliar with them. But I do know constructs.

I think you could take a golem to do the job. An iron golem would work well, and is already halfway to what you want. Even a stone golem would be nice.

Personally, I would be in favor of using terra-cotta warriors (reflavored as "golden warriors"). Then send a HORDE of them. THey get bonuses for working together.

There's also the "golden guardian", a CR 6 construct made of pure gold.

A construct swarm with a hive mind.

Found that bladecoin swarm, by the way - it's in Tome of Horrors 4 from Frog God Games, and is CR 6

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"I'm sorry Journ-O-LST-3, the answer to your query is restricted to GREEN clearance. Would you like a Bouncy Bubble Beverage instead?"

The more I'm thinking about it, I'm seeing swarm or ooze, naturally with the ability to use any treasure it can reach.

So probably ooze, likely some kind of shoggoth accident.

I want to give it fast healing if it's within a hoard as well as pretty good DR because it feels right. Concealment (20%) if it's in a hoard as well. No SR but immune to a bunch of things.

Let's say it gets a bunch of attacks as well as making the area around it difficult terrain. Maybe some kind of alternate grab that instead just exposes PCs to ongoing damage as coins and gems grind into them. Ranged would be flinging gems or large heavy golden things but not very powerful.

And it hides like a m+&%%*!%$~+# if you dump it in a hoard.

One of these exact things appeared in a Paizo published adventure:

Pathfinder Society scenario 2-18: The Forbidden Furnace of Forgotten Koor

Yes, that plus some fast healing and the ability to use any object defined as "treasure" will work nicely. Thank you.

Also citizen Bigrin da Troll, your knowledge of GREEN clearance objects has been noted and sent to Internal Security. As for myself, citizen Ed-I-TOR-4 has cleared me by re-coloring the .pdf pages ORANGE.

I do however appreciate Bouncy Bubble Beverage and will consume any flavor Friend Computer chooses to have dispensed this daycycle.

Might not work/be too OP but what about randomised magical effects when it attacks, to represent the odd magic weapon being stashed amongst the hoard and being brought randomly to the surface as it churns.

Could have the probability set pretty low to represent the weapons being quite sparse. But every piece of artwork depicting a hoard has a couple of random swords sticking out of the pile!

You could use some Crysmals with very little refluffing.

Anyone have the stat block for the Bladecoin Swarms

I am surprised that Tome of Horrors 4 isn't already updated into the d20PFSRD site.

Bladecoin Swarm:

XP 2,400
N Fine construct (swarm)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +0

AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 18 (+1 Dex, +8 size)
hp 66 (12d10)
Fort +4; Ref +5; Will +4
Defensive Abilities swarm traits; DR 5/adamantine; Immune construct traits, magic, weapon damage

Speed fly 30 ft. (good)
Melee swarm (3d6 slashing plus distraction and bleed)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks bleed (1d6), distraction (DC 16)

Str 1, Dex 13, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1
Base Atk +12; CMB —; CMD —
Skills Fly +13
SQ swarm traits

Environment any
Organization solitary, bankroll (2–3), or jackpot (4–6)
Treasure none

Many thanks nobledrake.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I actually created a Treasure Golem in this adventure. The adventure itself is not my best work, but you might find the Treasure Golem useful. :)

Slight necro but im thinking of putting this guy in my serpent skull treasure pit. But how does he... die? Construct traits make him immune to magic. Fine makes him immune to weapons.

Im talking about the Bladecoin swarm.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Alchemical flasks, alkali/fire/etc would probably do it as would good ole' torches and oil, after all, everything burns, just have to get the fire hot enough. It would definitely be an exercise in creative thinking to take them down.

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