Thorthunder |

I have seen a lot oif the player companion produced by paizo and i have noted that in these books there is a lot of new options for the basic classes but the advance classes take poor credit.
I have seen probably only one companion with new options for summoner( if my memory not fail), don't remember companions worth for gunslingers and
What do you think, we will see them in the future'

Patrick Renie Developer |

We try to include rules for a variety of classes in each Player Companion, though sometimes we can't get everyone in a single book. Excluding rules options like feats and traits (which are usually available to a wide variety of character classes), there are indeed rules options for the classes you mentioned in various Player Companion products.
Summoners may find at least one or two new spells in numerous Player Companions, while Champions of Purity provides several new summoner evolutions as well.
One can find a slew of alchemist discoveries throughout Player Companions, including Dungeoneer's Handbook, Champions of Purity, and Blood of the Moon.
Dragonslayer's Handbook contains a new archetype for gunslingers, and one will be able to find a variety of options for gunslingers in the upcoming Magical Marketplace.
Hope this helps, Thorthunder! I appreciate your input and will take your thoughts into consideration as this product line continues to grow and evolve. :]