Oh Dire Boar! You so Silly!

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

With tongue planted firmly in cheek, let me say that I find the missing data on space/reach for the Dire Boar very silly. Given the standing rule that if not specified, then the creature is considered space 5' /Reach 5', I see the Dire Boars all across Golarion as trying to fit their 10-foot frames into a 5-foot space. Maybe they should be granted Spring Attack or Lunge as a free feat.

From the PRD

XP 1,200
N Large animal
Init +4; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +12

large = 2x2 squares, so 10' by 10'. As for reach, only "tall" large creatures get it (all humanoids standing on 2 limbs, + others). "Long" large creatures, most quadrupeds, don't get added reach.

Nice catch Valkir. As Jellyfulfish says, it should be Space: 10', Reach: 5'.

Didn't know a space/reach entry was the norm. Thought they put one to specify irregular patterns, like the eagle in my 1st ED Bestiary. Although i recently learned that was a mistake they changed with a stealthy errata (eagle was small with 2.5' space and 0 reach, newest version is small without the entry for space/reach, so reverts to 5' space and 5' reach).

And I see the space/reach is listed under "Offense" in the stat block.


There's a chart somewhere on the PRD that defines the reach of tall and long creatures of all sizes.

Right you are, Jellyfish. The lack of entry indicates the standard 5'/5' on space and reach. My point is the space/reach line is omitted on the Dire Boar. I checked my 3rd print Bestiary, and the d20pfsrd.
To make it really silly, the d20pfsrd has an online database, and the lack of entry causes the DB to Specify the Dire Boars are self-squeezing:
Dire Boar 4 1200 N Large animal 4 low-light vision, scent; Perception +12 15, touch 9, flat-footed 15 (+6 natural, -1 size) 42 (5d8+20) Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2 7 4 2 ferocity 40 ft. gore +8 melee (2d6+9) 5 ft. 5 ft.(emphasis mine, so it did not get lost)
I agree that it should be 10'/5', like the d20srd states. The lack of the line in Paizo's data just made me laugh.


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