Haste / Fervor movement bonus question

Rules Questions

My group can all fly. We use these methods.

Boots of Flying
Flying Carpet
Pegasus (that's me!)
Flying spell x2
Onyx Fly wondrous figurine

Haste and Blessings of Fervor both give +30 movement. Which of our characters benefit?

Obviously my Pegasus gets the move buff because it is cast on it. But we are unsure who else would get the bonus.

(Also, this adds base movement right? If you run you get +120..?)

Blessing of Fervor explicitly states that its effects do not stack with those from Haste:

Blessing of Fervor wrote:

With this blessing, you call your allies to move forth and empower them to conquer and become victorious. Each round for the duration of this spell, each of your allies can choose one of the following bonuses for that round at the beginning of its turn (their choice).

Increase its speed by 30 feet.
Stand up as a swift action without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Make one extra attack as part of a full attack action, using its highest base attack bonus.
Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.
Cast a single spell of 2nd level or lower as if it were an enlarged, extended, silent, or still spell.
These effects are not cumulative with similar effects, such as those provided by haste or a speed weapon, nor do they actually grant an extra action, so you can't use it to cast a second spell or otherwise take an extra action in the round. Blessing of fervor does not stack with haste.

Since Blessing of Fervor allows you to choose each round, and the effects don't stack, it would be pointless to ever take the movement effect from Blessing while Haste is also active. Therefore, anyone within range when Haste was cast would get +30 feet to their movement speed(s).

Sorry, Im not asking if they stack. I know they dont.

Im asking if fly spells and things like flying carpets get the bonus?

Haste must target creatures so i dont think it can affect your flying carpet, and it must be cast on the wondrous figurine (after it becomes whatever it becomes) , not the guy riding it.

Targets one creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart

Wakrob wrote:

Sorry, Im not asking if they stack. I know they dont.

Im asking if fly spells and things like flying carpets get the bonus?

Ah, understood.

I would say that anyone under the effect of a Fly spell would be sped up, because fly is basically granting you a 'mode of movement' (term used in the Haste spell).

Blessing of Fervor definitely wouldn't affect the carpet, because the spell requires a conscious choice as to what benefit it grants (and a carpet can't think); as silly as I think it is, I don't believe Haste would affect it either, because it does not include the 'object' tag and the carpet is clearly not a creature (which is what the spell targets).

It will definitely increase your Fly speed. Both just say they increase your speed, not your land speed, swim speed, fly speed, or climb speed only.

It will not affect the carpet. Haste and Blessing of Fervor target creatures, not objects.

Also as a note Haste add +30 feet, to a maximum of twice the subject's normal speed using that form of movement
So a creature with 20' Base speed is only increased to 40' with haste
15' to 30'
10' to 20'
and so on.
BoF gives a flat +30 regardless or normal base speed.

regardless of*
Typo :l

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