Lurking Strangler...

Age of Worms Adventure Path

Trying to update AoW for pathfinder and I'm Whispering Cairn should I update the Lurking Strangler or does another creature from a bestiary make more sense?

Silver Crusade

I used it as written and have run pretty much every monster that hasn't made it to the Bestiary without conversion. It's nice for players to see a creature they haven't likely read about.

It's not too hard to update it. If you're really worried it won't be as well-balanced, just give it an extra feat and up its Strength by 4.
I'm kidding! Don't tell your players it was my idea!

I swapped the lurking strangler for a vargouille. The lurking strangler is a beholder-crafted creature - how did the Faceless One come to acquire it? It is of near animal intelligence, which doesn't make it a plausible scout. Also it needs to eat, and the nearby food fountain is covered with brown mold. Depending on how long the party takes to reach it, it may have been down there for many days.

The vargouille is the same CR (2), is an independent creature (so it's more reasonable that it has allied with the Faceless One), is moderately intelligent and, as an outsider, doesn't need to eat - it can wait down there indefinitely.

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