Dystopia 2014: The US Government defaults

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Samnell wrote:
Usagi Yojimbo wrote:
bugleyman wrote:


Healthcare.gov is complex software. Check.
Complicated software has vulnerabilities. Check.
Therefore Healtcare.gov likely has some vulnerabilities. Check.
Ergo, the ACA is bad. Wait...what?

Actually, I think the logic continues from '...has some vulnerabilities' (sure, as you say)

to: therefore, people will die, because Obama

And then pick back up with 'Ergo, the ACA is bad'

If you can't follow that, you must be willfully blind!

You guys, Barack Obama was just here. He grabbed me by the neck and lifted me out of my chair and slammed me down on my bed. I tried to explain that, while I'm sure he's an accomplished lover, he is not my type.

Obama would hear none of it. He pressed his fingers together, like he was going to make a karate chop, and then just slammed them into my abdomen, fingertips first. Before I could even process what happened, Obama pulled out, my appendix in hand. I'll never forget what he said next, hand dripping with my blood as he stood over me:

"North Korea hacked healthcare.gov and gave you appendicitis. Put a band-aid on that, drink some Robitussin, and take two aspirin. You'll be fine. And get a haircut, hippie."

Then Obama threw the bloody appendix in my face and climbed out my window into a flying bidet that, as I understand it, became Air Force One as soon as he mounted the thing and blasted off. I got up to get the band-aid and realized that he took my Lego C-3PO on the way out.

Gotta call dick move on the 3PO, Obama.

I cannot stop laughing. Soon my internal organs will rupture due to the spasms of the muscles surrounding them. I pray I was able to keep my coverage through obamacare....

Justin Rocket wrote:
Usagi Yojimbo wrote:
Justin Rocket wrote:
Usagi Yojimbo wrote:

There are so many problems with ACA that are real, do we really need to invent ones that don't exist?
Show me your proof that security vulnerabilities don't exist in the ACA system.


Once you:

A) Read all the other comments about how silly this idea is, and
B) Show us your proof that pink elephants do not exist.

We'll all be waiting.

You're comparing software vulnerabilities to pink elephants, but we know that software vulnerabilities have existed in nearly every program ever written.

in that case were all boned. I better not go to work today, someone might hack my computer...or...maybe I'm being hacked now! Even as we speak!

Actually, snark aside, I'm still recovering from a hacking that I experienced almost a year ago this month that threw my finances into chaos. It wasn't fun. But security vulnerabilities exist everywhere, its wrong to call the aca on theirs while giving the insurance companies- who also store info on servers- a free pass.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm in ur haus, stealing ur droids.

What slanderous calumny!

[Adds Samnell to the List]

You know, I'm really good at killing people...

President Obama wrote:

What slanderous calumny!

[Adds Samnell to the List]

You know, I'm really good at killing people...


Which one do I shoot?

The only way to make sure is to shoot us both.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

If either were the real Obama, he'd've created a comission to solve the problem, and make it no longer his problem.

<doesn't shoot either>

I'm putting you all in FEMA camps!

thejeff wrote:
Usagi Yojimbo wrote:
Scott Betts wrote:


I already posted a link to data explaining that the ACA website involves about 1000% of the amount of code that Windows Vista uses.
Of course, amount of code isn't the same as the complexity of the product, but it's certainly less preposterous of a premise than the one you're throwing around.

I didn't see that link, do you still have it handy?

I'm trying to wrap my head around 10x as much code (however defined) for a glorified website. Huh.

I saw one link Scott posted that compared the supposed amount of code with other things, but I've never seen any good source for the numbers that are being thrown around for lines of code.

I suspect they're crap. Or, at the most generous, include all the library code and all the generated html and similar autogenerated code.

That's my inclination as well; what matters here is whether they used the same way of estimating lines of code for all of the listed products.

It's telling, though, that even if you assume that their estimation is off by an entire order of magnitude it still represents one of the largest programming projects in human history.

All of you, that is, except Scott.

[Pets Scott's bald head]

Scott is my favorite.

I have a bald head too y know... sulks

[Gestures with shotgun]

Get in the FEMA camp, baldy!

President Obama wrote:
I'm putting you all in FEMA camps!

THATS the real one!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I think Justin's 600 million figure was from what several states have have had to pay in total to re-launch the exchange websites/links to healthcare.gov.
It's not how much the feds have spent.

I don't have a source, but I recall hearing that figure before in that context.

There's only ONE way to tell which one of these Obamas is the real one.
*pats pockets*
"Anybody got a smoke?"

Nope, just Nicorette. Michelle would kill me.

Edit: Though your pockets having been rendered empty (through excessive taxation, of course) leaves me giddy. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to buy stuff for my freeloading base. Obama 2016!

Liberty's Edge

Kryzbyn wrote:

I think Justin's 600 million figure was from what several states have have had to pay in total to re-launch the exchange websites/links to healthcare.gov.

It's not how much the feds have spent.

I don't have a source, but I recall hearing that figure before in that context.

Ah, that sounds more believable. I just tried tracking it down and it appears the figure originated with a guy named Manjoo who writes for the WSJ. He gives a range, though. From $300M to 'perhaps' $600M. The link he gave points to a site listing contracts and awards. Many of the awards are to state health departments, which I think confirms Kyrzbyn's memory.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
President Barack Obama wrote:
I'm off to buy stuff for my freeloading base.

At least you're not like the last guy, buying freebasing stuff for getting loaded...

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Kung Fu Joe wrote:
President Barack Obama wrote:
I'm off to buy stuff for my freeloading base.
At least you're not like the last guy, buying freebasing stuff to get loaded...
Robin Williams wrote:
They call it freebasing. It's not free, it costs you your house — it should be called homebasing.

meatrace wrote:
"Anybody got a smoke?"

Kung Fu Joe wrote:
President Barack Obama wrote:
I'm off to buy stuff for my freeloading base.
At least you're not like the last guy, buying freebasing stuff for getting loaded...

Biznitch set me up!

(Stay strong, Bob!)

Attacks in Forbes calling for a socialist candidate to be fired?

We must be doing something right.

Vive le Galt!

Voting is still for ninnies.

Of Anarchists and the Tea Party: When Liberals Red-Bait Conservatives

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Of Anarchists and the Tea Party: When Liberals Red-Bait Conservatives

There are anarchists, and then there are anarchists. An anarchistic school of thought exists among extreme right even here in Europe. I once spoke with one "journalist" who said that he wanted society to devolve into competing tribes.

Maybe tribalists would be a good name.


Turns out we won after all.

Vive le Galt!
Nationalize Paizo!

I will keep an eye on this woman and see how your cause works in action.

As will I, although, and I'm sure Comrade Sawant agrees (although I've only met her once), our cause in action isn't getting elected to city councils but international proletarian socialist revolution.

Vive le Galt!

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