Module Time line

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Hello, I remember reading something a little while back about the modules each starting around a specific year or something and then unfolding over a certain time line. I was just wondering if anyone had any information about this.

I was thinking about running a home brew campaign and since I have ran several of the module sets and other groups of friends have ran other I was thinking I could run this one in that "living" world. With each set of campaigns having taken place.

Any information or suggestions would be awesome and a big help. The champaign's I have completed as a GM are; Kingmaker, Council of Thieves, and Second Darkness(the world didn't end 8P). Thankfully enough my players saved the world so I don't have to worry about any of that.


Silver Crusade

The understanding of everything Paizo makes is that every module and AP takes place simultaneously, except for things that are direct sequels (like Curse of the Everflame --> Masks of the Living God --> City of Golden Death, or that Shattered Star comes AFTER the old 3.5 APs, Rise of the Runelords, Curse of the Crimson Throne, Second Darkness and Legacy of Fire).

In other words, unless it's an obvious sequel, it doesn't assume anything else about the world past what's in The Inner Sea World Guide.

Somewhere in the past it was suggested if you add 2700 to the rl year a module or ap came out it would roughly correspond to gollrions callender. This probably works for the most parr. But really unless the modules are linked it doesn't really matter.

You can certainly create your own timeline. In my current games, we have Kingmaker currently in the year 4703, my Legacy of Fire is 4710, Council of Thieves wasn't specified but the GM of Kingmaker is assuming it runs concurrently with his; that is until we failed book 5 and found ourselves trapped out of time for 100 years and it is turning into Slumbering Tsar.

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