Maccabee |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Bigots who try to justify why they're bigots.
Bigots who pretend otherwise.
"Intellectuals" that label military members as mindless drones.
My fellow military members that think they're Captain America.
Armchair generals and conspiracy theorists that think they have the slightest clue what the CIA/FBI/NSA/SOCOM is actually doing or planning.
Trendy movie goers that have fallen into the "hate every genre movie that comes out" syndrome that cropped up somewhere around 2002. You whined about a lack of comic book/sci fi/fantasy movies forever and now they exist.
Matt Thomason |
Randarak |
People who run red lights. Not when its just changed from yellow to red and they were trying to beat the yellow, mind you, but its been red for a few seconds, and they blow through it anyway.
Players that don't fill out their character sheets, and GM's who let them get away with it.
People who, since they themselves are in fact miserable, must go out of their way to make life difficult for everyone they encounter.
Maccabee |
Maccabee wrote:Armchair generals and conspiracy theorists that think they have the slightest clue what the CIA/FBI/NSA/SOCOM is actually doing or planning.CIA/FBI/NSA/SOCOM that think they have the slightest clue what the CIA/FBI/NSA/SOCOM is actually doing or planning? :)
Touché good sir, touché!
Maccabee |
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:So.. New Jersey?Drivers who don't use their turn signals.
Drivers who refuse to treat driving as the most (and only) important thing needing their constant attention.
And +1 people who toss lit cigarettes out their windows, especially during the dry season.
The Panhandle as well.
Rictras Shard |
BigNorseWolf wrote:The Panhandle as well.Ambrosia Slaad wrote:So.. New Jersey?Drivers who don't use their turn signals.
Drivers who refuse to treat driving as the most (and only) important thing needing their constant attention.
And +1 people who toss lit cigarettes out their windows, especially during the dry season.
Also PEI, Canada.
SnowJade |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Specifically, That Relative: "When are you going to [insert whatever activity That Relative firmly believes is appropriate to my age and gender, as determined by That Relative's religious views]"? And, when the answer gets steadily more outrageous, depending on how much pestering I've endured, comes out with "I'll pray for you". Grrr. I'll prey on you.
Orthos |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
No YouTube, I don't want to integrate my G-Mail with my YouTube account, stop asking! I don't want the comment section crazies knowing who to e-mail!
In addition, I came up with a username for a REASON. I do NOT want to start using my real name on YouTube of all places!
And NO, this is not "Okay, we'll ask again later!" This is "NO I DO NOT WANT TO USE MY REAL NAME ON YOUTUBE!"
Klaus van der Kroft |
Drivers who don't use their turn signals.
Drivers who refuse to treat driving as the most (and only) important thing needing their constant attention.
And +1 people who toss lit cigarettes out their windows, especially during the dry season.
People who don't know how to properly juggle while driving.
I mean, we have red lights for a reason; is some entertainment for the people on the other cars too much to ask?
Just don't drive, juggle AND text at the same time; messes with the routine.
NobodysHome |
OK, I'll play, but *ONLY* gaming-specific topics for me:
(1) People who cannot separate their characters from themselves when roleplaying.
Yes, I'm playing a LG oracle, and you're playing a CN rogue. This means we will argue about what to do. Frequently, And vehemently. This does not mean I do not like you as a person. It's called roleplaying for a reason.
(2) People who cannot level up without having the GM at their side, holding their hand, as they ask, "What skills would be most effective in this AP? What feats should I take? No, I don't want to choose; I want you to tell me what I should take in order to be as effective as possible."
There's a Player's Guide for every AP folks. Read it.
(3) Similarly, people who declare that none of the races and classes fit their character concept, so they absolutely NEED to build a custom race and class to fit their 'really cool' concept, and then cherry-pick racial traits, skills, and feats that are obviously specifically designed to break the AP, NOT to fit some 'cool' concept. (Unless that concept is, "I want to break the AP.")
(4) People who hog the GM's time with nonsensical roleplaying (For example, a 15-minute one-on-one with the GM trying to confuse a shopkeep. Just to mess with him; not to achieve anything), then act utterly bored and frequently interrupt when you're trying to roleplay.
(5) People who agree to a once-per-two-weeks game, frequently make other plans, and then complain vehemently if you game without them.
Yep. We have ONE GUY who fits all 5. Impressive, isn't it?
EDIT: There are a couple he's not guilty of:
(6) People who won't even sit at the table, but just say, "Bring me in when it's time for the combat."
While I understand that combat is the most interesting part of the game for many people, and if one person does it it's really not that bad (we have one person who does it in CC and it's not at all disruptive, but we're at 2-3 in SD), but it is really odd to go through a campaign with some characters only appearing when it's time to fight.
(7) People who don't understand how their character works after over a dozen levels.
(8) Intraparty conflict. Always. I'm not talking simple arguments about what to do. I'm talking about stealing from other party members, "accidentally" including them in AoE spells, and so forth. Actively working against the party's best interests or party cohesion.
Icyshadow |
Libertad wrote:No YouTube, I don't want to integrate my G-Mail with my YouTube account, stop asking! I don't want the comment section crazies knowing who to e-mail!In addition, I came up with a username for a REASON. I do NOT want to start using my real name on YouTube of all places!
And NO, this is not "Okay, we'll ask again later!" This is "NO I DO NOT WANT TO USE MY REAL NAME ON YOUTUBE!"
Adding to that, I want to find the guy who keeps changing Youtube's layout and bash his head in with a rock.
Freehold DM |
Charlie Bell wrote:Bicyclists who are vehicles when they want road space and pedestrians when they want to run red lights. Either stay on the sidewalk like a pedestrian or obey traffic laws like the rest of us.Bicyclists period. If you can't keep up with the flow of traffic you shouldn't be considered a vehicle. Grrr.
People who make laws keeping bikes off the sidewalks. If a cyclist is an idiot enough to not dismount and walk his bike when he runs into pedestrians, he deserves the assault charges he should be getting. Shouldn't be a reason to legislate them off the sidewalks and into the road.
People who make laws allowing bicycles on the sidewalk. Sidewalks are for pedestrians dammit!
Woke up to a flat tire this morning.
Anyone have anything they want to share....?
Deus19D |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Being just beyond Veteran's Day this is particularly relevant.
I HATE when people ask if I have killed anyone in my service as a soldier during my deployment to Afghanistan. (I was a combat soldier on the line in the birthplace of the Taliban... It's not hard to figure out...)
*Also, I ask those of you insensitive enough to ask a veteran such a question. Does it matter?
Odraude |
Bigots who try to justify why they're bigots.
Bigots who pretend otherwise.
"Intellectuals" that label military members as mindless drones.
My fellow military members that think they're Captain America.
Armchair generals and conspiracy theorists that think they have the slightest clue what the CIA/FBI/NSA/SOCOM is actually doing or planning.
Trendy movie goers that have fallen into the "hate every genre movie that comes out" syndrome that cropped up somewhere around 2002. You whined about a lack of comic book/sci fi/fantasy movies forever and now they exist.
Pretty much this. What I especially hate is when they act surprised when people get mad at them and start claiming that they are being silenced by PC thugs. Like they are the victim. Had one guy on these very forums try and compare bigots that are against gay marriage to Martin Luther King, Jr., because they had to endure negative responses for their beliefs.
People in America often forget that the First Amendment works both ways. You have the right to say whatever hateful things you want to people. Consequently, people have the right to call you a c*+$ for it.
Kirth Gersen |
You HAVE to not use your signal in Dallas, if you're switching lanes, or they'll know what you're about and pull up to cut you off.
Houston, too -- if you're able to switch into someone else's lane, they think it means you have a bigger penis than they do, so they pull all kinds of crazy driving stunts to prevent it.
Kirth Gersen |
Thanks for the warning, will have to stick to side streets and smaller roads when I visit.
Mrs Gersen loved the freeways, because sometimes she could get somewhere 2.5 seconds faster. I thought she was nutso. I used to take the surface streets everywhere, and was happier for it. (Then again, even some of those are 4 lanes in each direction -- e.g., Westheimer).