Do large animal companions get reach?

Rules Questions

The Exchange

When you advance an animal companion from medium to large, does it get reach to match its size? Horses and camels don't have reach, but what about apes or constrictor snakes? The large apes in the bestiary have reach, but there are no large examples of snakes.

It depends on whether it is 'long' or 'tall'.

Tall yes, long no.

So Ape yes, Snake no.


It's not exactly as easy as long vs. tall. For one, Dire Hyenas have a 10' reach, and well, they're not tall. Further, I would argue that snakes can certainly rear up and make themselves tall.

Edit: The Emperor Cobra is a large snake, and it has 10' reach.

I am pretty sure the real answer is:

By pure RAW (i.e. for PFS or a robot GM), no animal companions get reach because none say that they do

Otherwise, ask your GM.

I cannot find anything that covers 'Long' or 'Tall' as applies to Reach in Pathfinder. Shifty's link appears to be an incorrect section in the D20pfsrd based on 3.5 rules.

Pathfinder seems to have done away with the long vs tall classifications.

- Gauss

I think this is a case o doing what you did. Looking in the bestiary and asume the rules are the same. So Ape gets reach but tiger dosent. But by the rules it is not clear i think.

Then I draw your attention to another source:


Shifty wrote:

Then I draw your attention to another source:


Seems good.

Listen to Shifty dont listen to me.
And note that it says that exeptions exist so look in the bestiary any way.

Thanks Shifty, I was having a very hard time finding that. :)

- Gauss

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