Cataphor |
I'm rolling up a sorcerer for an upcoming RotRL campaign, and will be the only arcane caster in the group. I know nothing about the module, and wondering if I should focus more on combat spells when picking 1st level spells and beyond? Utility? A mix of both? Since we don't have an arcane caster that prepares spells, are there any particularly good ones my party would be screwed if I didn't have access to? I'm likely going with the Fae bloodline, so guessing that Sleep is a good combat starter, but not sure where to go from there.

Tangent101 |

Here is my suggestions: First, select Human for your race. The Advanced Player's Guide gives as an option the Preferred Class ability of an extra spell of a level one or more under your maximum casting level. This will be level 0 spells to start with, but as of 4th level you'll start getting 1st level spells as well. The end result is that as of level 17, you'd have +2 first to eighth level spells known.
Second, be sure to choose two or three combative spells for each spell level which will use a different effect - for instance, Fireball and Lightning Bolt at 3rd level. This will allow you to overcome possible resistances that certain critters will have.
Third, create a theme for your character and choose the rest of your spells on that theme. Enchantment/charm is fairly handy, though I will warn you that it can become overpowering depending on the Sorcerer build and good GMs will thus work to counter it. This is why I suggest two to three offensive spell types each level.
Fourth, consider Arcane instead of Fey, and take several Metamagic Feats. Arcane would let you cast those Metamagic Feats without taking a full round to cast them. This is quite useful and certain Feats, like Rime Spell, can have an added benefit of restricting movement with its Entangle feature when using Cold-based spells.

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Depends on the bloodline you choose, as well access to books since RotRL is quite old and some GMs don't allow newer sourcebooks.
Assuming that you keep Fey bloodline and pump up charisma to the edge (20) you can qualify for save vs win spells even though it is sub-optimal IMO.
I suggest that you choose a number of spells from each category (CC,Support,Blasts etc.) preferring spells with multiple effects and AoE blasts.
I cannot suggest to you spells specific for the campaign unless ofc you don't mind spoilers, all that I can say is that the whole adventure is dungeon-crawling at its finest.
I really loved it even though my rogue build was sub-optimal for that adventure keeping me for two or three books incapable to use my specific build.
P.S. Consider Sylvan bloodline if your group is low on players, getting an animal companion can be a real boost to your party.

jhpace1 |

Uh, no spoilers, but Disrupt Undead and Feather Fall are a REAL GOOD idea for Skinsaw Murders. Resistance for +1 to saves is a lifesaver at the low levels.
I chose Summon Monster I because when you have an invisible monster, let the Celestial Riding Dog sniff 'em out.
No one's ever complained about Sorcerers taking Magic Missile.
Somebody with a high Use Magic Device is also a good idea, because there are a few wands dropped here and there.
Sleep is useless by the second book.
If you can't afford an Everburning Torch, let the Sorcerer do Dancing Lights every minute.
If you have Floating Disk, hauling the treasure out of the dungeon just got manageable. Not easy, but manageable.
Other spells will become obvious by the third book. Resist Energy and Enlarge Person, for instance.

Tangent101 |

Actually, Feather Fall is a good spell to have for the FIRST book of the AP as well! :)
Zero level spells which would be handy include...
Dancing Lights, Detect and Read Magic, Disrupt Undead, Detect Poison, Mage Hand, Mending, Message
First level spells: Charm Person, Magic Missile, Color Spray, Feather Fall, Vanish
Second level spells: Acid Arrow, Bull Strength, Darkvision, Mirror Image, Scorching Ray, See Invisible
Third level spells: Fireball, Lightning bolt, Dispel Magic, Displacement, Heroism, Vampiric Touch
Fourth level spells: Charm monster, Ice storm, Greater invisibility, Mass reduce person, Stoneskin
That should keep you for now. ;)

Matthew Bellizzi |

I would also suggest magical lineage trait. My sorc player uses it to great advantage with Arcane bloodline. Basically it reduces the cost of meta magic feats by one level. He combines those with the meta magic feat Elemental to change the damage type for free with no extra casting time. Which is kinda annoying to the GM

Kayland |

I'm the last one to ask this to....as I'm an RP'er first...and an optimizer last.
Take the spells you think would be enjoyable or could show up in fun/unique situations as far as I'm concerned. Are you playing a slightly off-kilter nut job?....Shock Shield is always fun...stumble gap, bungle, hydraulic push, ear-piercing scream, share language (always helpful when the smart hero isn't necessarily the group's "face"), oppressive boredom, Admonishing Ray (Great if your group believes in taking prisoners, or bringing people to justice via magistrates etc).
Should first and foremost be about fun...not necessarily how to be the most effective.

Wiggz |

I'm rolling up a sorcerer for an upcoming RotRL campaign, and will be the only arcane caster in the group. I know nothing about the module, and wondering if I should focus more on combat spells when picking 1st level spells and beyond? Utility? A mix of both? Since we don't have an arcane caster that prepares spells, are there any particularly good ones my party would be screwed if I didn't have access to? I'm likely going with the Fae bloodline, so guessing that Sleep is a good combat starter, but not sure where to go from there.
We had a Kitsune Fey Sorcerer who was invaluable in this AP. There were things immune to her manipulations yes, but for the most part she was our smartbomb. Sleep broke early encounters, Charm spells made intelligence gathering much easier and by the time she had Dominate she always had a powerful 'bodyguard' adding to the group's frontliners to deal directly with threats she couldn't. Add in a few battlefield control spells like Glitterdust or Entangle and even at low levels she was devastatingly effective.Also, with Realistic Likeness, Fleeting Glance, her spells and her stealth and disguise skill she was an amazing infiltrator in the rare occasions that called for it.
If you don't want to go with something quite so specialized, I would highly reccomend that you stay with Fey and make use of enchantments like Sleep and Charm but instead make the character Human and take the Human favored class bonus for Sorcerers. That will give you an incredibly wide selection of spells to choose from. Then go with the Arcane Bloodline via Eldritch Heritage feats, taking Improved Familiar to snag a Farie Dragon or something similar. As the group's only caster you will be very, very versatile.
I have both builds - let me know if you're interested in either.