Is there a feat that allows a sorcerer to prepare spells?


As the title, I'm sure I've seen it somewhere but I can't remember where.

Or perhaps its' just wishful thinking on my part.

it's called... being a wizard?

It's not exactly the same thing, but Tattooed Sorceror gets free spell tattoos which they must 'prepare'.

Dark Archive

Versatile Spontaneity from the Pathfinder Society Primer. It allows a sorcerer or oracle to prepare one spell from a spellbook or scroll in a slot one higher than the actual spell. It expends the scroll but not the spellbook.

That's the one! Thanks Mergy

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Natan Linggod 972 wrote:

As the title, I'm sure I've seen it somewhere but I can't remember where.

Or perhaps its' just wishful thinking on my part.

The feat you're thinking of was the 3.5 Arcane Preparation feat from one of the old splatbooks. It allowed you to essentially prepare a metatmagiced spell so that it would not take the extra casting time when used.

There is no Pathfinder equivalent at present.

But if you wanted to cast meta magic spells faster the arcane bloodline would seems to me to be a better choice. Doesn't waste a feat. Action economy with a familiar with a wand as well.

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