Mythic Combat Reflexes

Rules Questions

Grand Lodge

Does the mythic power use actually do anything? Running the PFS Season 5 special tonight and I can't understand what spending a use actually gets you.

Mythic Combat Reflexes wrote:
Benefit: You can make any number of additional attacks of opportunity per round. As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to, until the start of your next turn, make attacks of opportunity against foes you've already made attacks of opportunity against this round if they provoke attacks of opportunity from you by moving.

It's basically letting you get around the limit of 'movement only provokes one AoO, not from every single threatened square they move out of'.

I think it means if you have a tripped opponent and he stands you can hit him twice. But not sure.

It allows you to make more than one AoO per other turn. As in, normally you only get one on someone else's turn, no matter how many you get per round. It really messes with skirmisher type enemies that can full-attack + full move, like the 3.5 dervish PrC.

Dark Archive

So if the guy moves around the enemy that has spent a mythic power, the enemy gets an attack of opportunity for every threatened square that the guy leaves. I don't think there's even a way for the PCs to know that the enemy has done this either.

If you do it, prepare for a player to start arguing with you! :)

Grand Lodge

The problem being that the feat does not make an exemption for the rules on provoking an AoO for moving.

Moving out of more than one square threatened by the same opponent in the same round doesn't count as more than one opportunity for that opponent.

You can always make another attack of opportunity against a foe regardless of whether or not you've made one before. This feat does not make the enemy provoke more than once for moving.

I understand TOZ's conundrum. The RAW doesn't allow you to make extra AOO's due to movement, though the RAI is quite clear.

Spending the charge of Mythic Power allows you to make AOO's against creatures for each threatened square they leave. Makes for great Step Up and Strike combinations for large-sized creatures. The RAI is quite concise, though the RAW is worded poorly.

I suggest an Errata...

*Casts Raise Thread*

Has this been clarified? This feat is either awesome or does very little.

Allowing large reach weapon wielders an AoO followed by a trip is pretty sweet. And then of course another AoO when they stand.

Or it does almost nothing. Getting more AoOs is not worth a mythic feat since you already have Combat Reflexes for 3-5 extra attacks.

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