GM question - Helping out my players


I'm a new GM leading a group of new players on an adventure path and we each have 2-5 sessions each under our belt. I occasionally will come across information while doing research that would probably be useful to my players, do I share this with them or let them figure it out on their own?

For example, I found a set of nice articles talking about useful gear and weapons that every party should have. Looking over this list, I see my players are missing most of it. Should I let them know?

I found several articles on how to make the most out of a characters stats and optimize their character. Should I let them figure it out on their own or point them to the guides?

To what extent do I share my research with them? I want them to succeed and enjoy the game, but not crush my challenges for them and make it boring.

If you are all enjoying the game, don't change it.
If you do feel like helping them, you could put some of the items you think they should have in random loot. You might try having them fight a bad guy with an ability you want to show them.
P.S. Optimization does not always lead to a better time.

Unless a player of yours is falling behind in terms of optimization I wouldn't tell your players anything. Half the fun is figuring out stuff by yourselves, and the power gaming meta can prove stale (abusing items is simply too easy if you allow it).

If they are having difficulty completing premade combats, maybe you should help them a little, but beyond that no.

If things are going well, don't change it, if you think they would be happier because of it, give a hint the next chance you get.
Don't tell them they mist a lot of things. My Dm did (called us stupid because of it in the proses) it sucks, and it doesn't make anything better.

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