Perils of the Coast Campaign: Losing a Scenario

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Hi Guys,

So my daughter and I decide to finally play our first campaign - Perils of the Coast. She picks Lini and I pick Valeros.

Well, wouldn't ya know it that ol' Valeros dies in the Brigadoom scenario (thanks a lot Siren monster).

We're going to replay the Brigadoom scenario on Sunday (after football of course) so that Valeros has a chance at the campaign reward.

My question is this: let's say that we both won Brigadoom but then Valeros died in second scenario of the campaign, The Poison Pill (with Lini surviving yet again). Do we have to repeat Brigadoom and Poison Pill or just replay Poison Pill?

I'm assuming we don't have to replay Brigadoom but considering I just died and my 9-yr-old-girl didn't, I feel like the Gods are not with me in this campaign...not to mention I will never hear the end of it how she managed to win Brigadoom on her own as my corpse gathered flies.

The reason I'm even wondering this is because the Adventure Card says "Complete these Scenarios, in this order."

Thanks in advance for the wisdom check,

Humbled and grumpy Ben

Page 18

rules wrote:
Ending a Scenario, Adventure, or Adventure Path If, at any point, you need to advance the blessings deck but there are no cards remaining in it, the scenario ends immediately, and your party of adventurers loses. You also lose if all of the characters are dead at the same time (see Dying on page 13). You do not earn the reward on the scenario card, and if you’re playing an adventure, you didn’t complete that scenario, and you’ll need to try again.

Not completing and failing mean the same thing but if you win the scenario and one character is still standing then you have completed it.

You may use the same character again but that character may not receive any of the rewards or non basic cards gained during the scenario it dies in.

You can of course point out your noble sacrifice so that she could win.

Silver Crusade

If you don't "catch your character up" for any scenarios that your new character didn't participate in, then he's likely to get behind on found rewards. ie If Valeros dies in Poison Pill, and Lini lives, then Lini will have had two adventures to upgrade her equipment, while Valeros will still have his starting stuff. So it's usually group for a group to have played through all the same adventures, to have reached the same level of rewards.

And if she gives you any grief for having died, remind her that her character's the healer, so she should have cast Cure on you to keep you alive. You died because she wasn't doing her job! :P

Regarding the adventure path reward, a character gets it after successfully completing all the adventures. So at least Valeros would have to do Brigandoom, but it could be done out of sequence.

9h boy - Fromper is going to make a little girl cry;)

Side note: Today we replayed Brigadoom and beat it handily. Tonight we beat the Poison Pill with one blessing card left. Got great magic armor and mace for Valeros. Got two snake allies and Poog promo card for Lini. So much fun!

Cheez wrote:

9h boy - Fromper is going to make a little girl cry;)

Side note: Today we replayed Brigadoom and beat it handily. Tonight we beat the Poison Pill with one blessing card left. Got great magic armor and mace for Valeros. Got two snake allies and Poog promo card for Lini. So much fun!

Good news but from the FAQ :-

FAQ wrote:

When can I add promo cards to the box?

Anytime after you begin Chapter 1 of the Adventure Path.

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