darkkeepr |

I am working on a campaign setting where the Gods do not grant powers to their followers. I am sure the reasons don't matter why they don't.
So I was looking for a Healer Class that obviously has no ties to the divine magic.
I've read about the Knights of the Silver Hands from Warcraft and of Silver Flame from Eberron and I may use their ideas but what if the user is just doesn't believe in faith thus not casting spells.
So I am looking for a substitute. Suggestions are welcome.
- D -

Drejk |

Also, both druid and oracle are potentially a deity-less healer. While they are mechanically divine spellcasters, their power is not granted through faith or worship - instead the first may tap the divine power inherent in the wild nature while the other may channel the divine energies of particular concepts.
Another point about clerics: while many settings (including Golarion) require clerics to have divine patron, it is not required in every setting. Remember that clerics might worship concepts or tap the power of other's worship instead of being granted divine power by deities (this is true in case of Eberron and, at least according to some source, in Warcraft where church of Holy Light gains power primarily from their worshipers and their faith in concept, not deity).

Ilja |

What Drejk says is actually true for paladins too; while some of their power is granted by "forces", and it's mentioned that they can serve gods, it's never said their power comes from the gods.
However, since it's still faith-based power to a degree (though faith in an ideal rather than gods) it might still not fit.

DM Bacon |

Are you going to allow 3.5 material? If so, don't forget about the Artificer. If you're also using Psionics Unleashed, I believe there's some psionic classes that can heal as well, but don't quote me on that since I've never actually played a psionic class myself.
Alternatively, you could also say that the Heal skill can heal HP according the the skill check. Something like [Heal Skill Check]/4 = HP healed. You might want to check that math, but it's worth trying.

darkkeepr |

I may use some 3.5 material but if I can find under the Pathfinder conversion I will go with that. One of the rules I will be going by is Pathfinder rules supersede 3rd edition rules always.
I do recall hearing about a Psionic healing power and I was interested in psionic surgery that I had heard someone had used in their game. Not sure how that would all work out. I would use Psionics Unleashed though.
Artificer I believe has a Pathfinder conversion already but I am not sure
if I want to use it or not. But just in case I am adding it to the list of alternative healers to check out. Thanks for the suggestion.
- D -

DM Bacon |

The Knight was in Complete Warrior or PHBII, I think.
There's 2 different Artificers floating around the net. One of them is a straight up conversion of the Eberron class (tweaked the skills, etc). The other, which you can find here, is completely different and looks like it would be a real pain to play. At least that's my opinion.