Merfolk of Golarion

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

What supplements contain any information about the Merfolk or Golarion, and too some extent the aquatic races of Golarion as well. I'm generally looking for 5 or 6 products, if they've been published.


Try the wiki page for some basic information. I think the guide to the river kingdoms has some additional information in the underwater kingdom

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I believe the second volume of the Skulls and Shackles AP has an article on the Oceans of Golarion, which gives a bit of info on each major aquatic race. Merfolk are also in the Advanced Race Guide.

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MMCJawa wrote:
I believe the second volume of the Skulls and Shackles AP has an article on the Oceans of Golarion, which gives a bit of info on each major aquatic race.

It does. Excellent article. I'd suggest it even if you don't plan to run S&S.


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