Golarion required reading?


Hi all,

I'm about to run my first campaign in Golarion's inner sea region and wanted to know what books people would recommend as basically required (Not talking core books) and/or bring out the setting propper?
I already have the Inner Sea World Guide and digested what I could from it so far. I like what I read, and would like more.

Thanks in advance. :)


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The ISWG is one of the best pathfinder purchases I've made. Some of the player companion books expand on the info for specific areas. If you know the locale you want to run your campaign in, I'd suggest buying the player companion for that area.

Varisia may be one of the most, if not the most described areas. If you're starting there you will be able to find info from a lot of sources... Maybe too many sources (depending on how much time you have for reading).

Where are you thinking of basing your campaign?

I have not fully decided on that yet. I want to get my group together first, make characters and discuss what kind of game they want before getting to that point.

I'd have to agree with Krodjin here. Once you figure out where you want to play, pick up the player companion and campaign setting books for that area. Some of the other books like Lost Empires really give you a sense of Golarion's history, and cover more than one region. Cities of Golarion is another one in that mold. For more character options, I really like Inner Sea Magic (which also has a who's who of spellcasters in the Inner Sea, very nice) and Paths of Prestige, which offers some very flavorful Golarion-centric prestige classes from different regions.

The primer for the inner sea is good for players to vet ideas. I really like the new faiths and philosophies book.


@Dko: if you are asking if there are any other books similar to the ISWG I'm going to pay close attention to this thread to see the answers... As I said earlier the ISWG is easily my favourite Pathfinder book - I read it all the time. I draw inspiration from it all the time. If there are other books like that out there, I most definitely want to know about it!

@Mojorat: Ill certainly take a look into those. The lather certainly sounds like it would be usefull in many regards, especially if the group want to hav some emphisis on character faith.
@Krodjin: Yep basically that's what I mean.

@Nuclearsunburn: Almost missed your post. Thanks for those suggestions too. Ill look into them, most certainly :)

The Wiki has a wealth of knowledge on pretty much everything from Countries to Religion and History. I am not sure exactly how much overlap there is between it and the ISWG, but it is a great tool that you can use to quickly find more information on subjects you are interested in. It is almost criminally bare in some areas whether it be because nobody has added any additional information or because information in that particular area is simply scarce though something to work off of is better than nothing.

Hello I am a link to the homepage of the PathfinderWiki.

I like Isger myself but it is a little light on information, this both a good and bad thing i suppose.

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