Patrick Harris @ MU |

My PC's want to make a visit to Niska Mvashti to have their Harrow cards read.
What predictions relating to the Runelords campaign would you suggest she reveal?
I just flipped the cards and improvised some near-future foreshadowing based on what turned up. It's not hard to fake it.

M0bious |

I just flipped the cards too. I have made a prediction with the harrowing deck and I established later some new elements to our story to fit in the predictions..Dont worry too much about it, just remember whatever happens: write down your predictions! It was actually a really funny session (for me) because I was lucky and most of the cards my players chose fit great in the AP, the PC's personalities and the part 2 (that's when we made the harrowing). I am actually thinking of including The Harrowing module to my campaign, I just dont know how to handle the extra experience and gold in a way that allows us to continue the AP from where we have left it...

MC Templar |

you could throw in some foreshadowing for events far in the future...
I see....
"a forlorn home of death and decay"
"a bell sounds in the darkness, followed by screams"
"you standing resolute and confident in the face of danger, then... fire from the sky" or "under your protection, this town will burn"
"a flood, and a great evil emerging from the waters"

el cuervo |

you could throw in some foreshadowing for events far in the future...
I see....
"a forlorn home of death and decay"
"a bell sounds in the darkness, followed by screams"
"you standing resolute and confident in the face of danger, then... fire from the sky" or "under your protection, this town will burn"
"a flood, and a great evil emerging from the waters"
Some of these are way too literal. You're basically telling them Sandpoint will be attacked again or otherwise destroyed. It should be more vague and open to interpretation.

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That's how I'd do it as well, Templar. I'd ideally use a spread that had six cards, and each card would detail some important plot element from the six chapters.
For example, the big plot in Burnt Offerings is Nualia seeks to free Malfeshnekor and raze Sandpoint. That sounds to me like the Fiend, which is about an impending calamity. I'd invert it, which means the calamity can be averted (with the intervention of the PCs, of course). The Skinsaw Murders is about tracking the plot from Sandpoint to the big city of Magnimar, and encountering Karzoug's minions for the first time. The Liar is perfect for this - it's about doomed love and obsession, and a lamia is pictured on it. The Hook Mountain Massacre has the party go investigate the problems at Fort Rannick, and along the way they have to deal with the ogres that wander the hills. There's more about the plot, but the Graul homestead and Fort Rannick are the real stars of this part. I'd go with the Waxworks, just to emphasize the horrors they'll bear witness to if they succeed, and the terrifying end they'll suffer if they should fail. Fortress of the Stone Giants is all about saving Sandpoint and killing one of Karzoug's powerful lieutenants. I'd go with the Uprising, both to signify the threat to Sandpoint and Mokmurian's downfall. Sins of the Saviors is all about getting the weapons needed to deal with Karzoug. There's several that could work here, but I'd go with the Forge - Runeforge is a trial by fire, for certain, plus it's got Forge in the name! Finally, Spires of Xin-Shalast brings the party face to face with Karzoug himself, and while the Tyrant is the obvious choice, I'd actually go with the Tangled Briar. The Runelord of Greed is awakening, and if they don't do something about that, then the Claimer will take all of Varisia as his personal fiefdom.

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Better yet, set aside the cards you want the PCs to receive, and have them shuffle the deck, so that the deck can "become attuned to them" or whatever supernatural clap-trap you want them to hear. Then sneak the cards onto the top, and go about telling the fortune you want them to get.