![]() Leandro Garvel wrote:
Leandro your stat block is great as I am looking into toughening part 6 myself too. My players are optimized and i want to give them hell in part 6 and make xin-shalast as epic as possible as I am confident they can handle it..can you please state your party (for example how many players..) and how did your last fight end up playing out? thanks in advance ![]()
![]() Yossarian wrote:
Hey friend! I am running RotR (currently in part 5 before entering runeforge) and I just read your comment. I was amazed by the similarities in our campaigns as I also included an orc army raised by minions of Karzoug in Belkzen and the elves+Magnimar who are currently thinking of assisting the pcs and the overal fight against ancient Thassilon's return. I also added lots of mini political mini plots in magnimar with pc's backstories in mind..So i am interested in more details or ideas if you have on how you linked everything together in the end or even more details about the 7 entrances and how this helped your story!! Thanks in advance! ![]()
![]() Hello James, I know this topic is one of old now(ROTR AP), but here comes my question: How much lore should I provide my PCs once they find the library of the therassic monastery at Jorgenfist? I am well informed on thassilon content untill now(even tricky questions from this thread:P) , but how much should I give them? Would they be able to find the full content of "The dead hear of Xin" appendix on runelords for example? Or is that too much? And for the last question, how much time is necessary for them to read all this lore? (I have 5 PCs, really interested in Thassilon lore and waiting for my every clue until now on what's really going on behind the scenes!^^)
![]() Hey! Thanks everyone.. these are some great ideas! But mostly what I was asking was if in your experience, clearing both the rooms (full with CR 11-12 encounters) and Mokmurian is too much or not in your opinion/experience?
![]() Hello everyone!
Now, I want you to know that I really succeeded in making Mokmurian sound as a real badass and clever opponent, so I dont want to dissapoint them with an easy battle. In the other hand , the last session made me wonder what should I prep and how should I play mokmurians reaction to this intrusion. For me its only logical that Mokmurian (being clever transmuter) should at least :
Considering that my group is still at level 11 , due to bypassing most encounters and being 5, do you people think this is too much for them?? Does anyone have any experience from his ROTR game?? I know there are threads similar to this one but still...I really cant decide what would be best , and I would like to avoid a TPK..
![]() It actually played really well in my table!^^
![]() Hello everyone!
Zassrion: I certainly like the idea of it, for the last encounter of an adventure that so far my players really enjoy and it seems legit for the lord of this demiplane to be as strong as Zassrion, but.. it has some drawbacks too.
an adult blue dragon! My thoughts: spoiler:
1)Zassrion will be the first dragon they encounter in this campaign and I fear that it will totally steal that from Longtooth(juvenile red dragon) in the first part of chapter 4 of Rotr!!
2) Even worse, Zassrion is an adult blue dragon, the same as the last dragon they will encounter and face with special K in the end! I dont know if its wise for me as a GM to introduce a threat like that so early. So those are my considerations..Do you guys and girls think that they are important?? Furthermore, if yes, how do you think I should deal with this case and fix it??
![]() I am currently in the end of part 3(HMM) and I have added to it the whole Harrowing module by giving it a runelords flavor. I am hoping to play part 4 and 5 exactly as they are and in my opinion they are pretty amazing..Why? Because Rotr has a whole circle of emotions coming back in those parts (especially 4). My players spend really much time of part 1 getting to know the town of Sandpoint and it's citizens and by part 3 they have already forgot them a little..To find out that their old friends are now ready to die and They are their only hope?? Furthermore, the library!! The moment they get to understand after months of adventuring and strange coincidences what the h*ll is going on in Varisia and what significant events of destruction will be caused by the rise if they do not act fast? What is there not to like!?^^ Am just saying...even if you guys are thinking of changing part 4 and 5 I believe you should consider blending in those important pieces of storyline :) ![]()
![]() El cuervo, I may have not understood your problem exactly ,but..if that helps: there is treasure written in areas of the AP which you should award, or give your PCs a chance to find it and there is "treasure" written as gear and combat gear in the stat blocks. This is all you should normally award and no more. Later on the AP, if you realise that they have missed lots of it, then you could change things and place more treasure yourself. Furthermore, all descriptions of items and their properties can be found in the Core Rulebook. There are some "special" items found in each campaign and whenever that's the case explanations and desciptions can be found in the AP. You may need to change some properties if you are running the original version instead of the anniversary edition. ![]()
![]() I had 4 players in parts 1 and 2. They missed the treasure hoards at
spoiler: . Still..According to my calculations these adventures give so much gold that they have as much as they need and maybe more. Actually I was calculating the treasure of part 3, at least at the first 2 chapters and it was immense! I will certainly forget to give away some of these because imo its too much! And I guess this is the style of the whole campaign of RotR as it is supposed to be completed with PCs starting with 15 point buy system(not my case unfortunatelly..). So..dont worry about treasure, there is plenty of it! Just keep track of the amounts carefully and ask your players to write down things properly in their character sheets :D Thistletop. ![]()
![]() I am about to run Fort Rannick with my group. My players have very strong stats and builds and they are accompanied by Shalelu and the 3 Black Arrows. I would like to hear from you guys ( I know it has been already discussed) advices of how should I run this fort. One of my player's background story is connected with the Black Arrow order so I don't want it to be an easy quest for them, retaking it. What worked out well in your case? Thanks in advance! ![]()
![]() I just flipped the cards too. I have made a prediction with the harrowing deck and I established later some new elements to our story to fit in the predictions..Dont worry too much about it, just remember whatever happens: write down your predictions! It was actually a really funny session (for me) because I was lucky and most of the cards my players chose fit great in the AP, the PC's personalities and the part 2 (that's when we made the harrowing). I am actually thinking of including The Harrowing module to my campaign, I just dont know how to handle the extra experience and gold in a way that allows us to continue the AP from where we have left it... ![]()
![]() Guys and girls, this thread has some fantastic ideas!! I am hopefully going to use most of them!! I am actually really interested about how you changed some of the encounters and made them more difficult (adding monsters, changing morales etc). I am currently at part 3 , just before the Graul farm and I have a really strong party of 4 (which is going to be even stronger by winter as 2 more are joining in), and all I usually do is adding the advanced template and boost monsters with some hp. So thank you a lot for all this sharing and if you have more just keep helping us, as novice DMs, to run a great game!:) ![]()
![]() Constructacon wrote:
I still cant understand how they killed those trolls...phew, one of the first times I appreciate my group being new rpg players^^ ![]()
![]() I aggree with Misroi! This kind of speech is a nice solution..it actually deepends on their relationship with the guards of Sandpoint and the mayor. Imho there are times where you should make the guards intelligent and times where you should make them a little dumb. In this case you should make Belor understand the whole story by ''investigating'' and free them from most of the charges..if they feel really guilty they could give an amount of money to the church to pay a proper doctor or something and then you give them back those money later as treasure!;) ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
Thanks a lot for your help! ![]()
![]() This is a Rise of the Runelords question.
![]() I really love The Harrowing module. It is easy to addapt in almost every campaign and funt to play!! But.. I 've got some questions! How do you guys and girls handle extra modules and mini adventures in your adventure paths? Do you just give more wealth and experience to your PCs than they should have according to the adventure path suggestion for each part? Have you found a solution to this problem? Is it a problem? ![]()
![]() Imho the old Xanesha is "too powerfull to be true!", but the new one is "not so frigthening after all..". Thats what happened to us actually..but it is also my fault as a gm because I knew Xanesha could turn out to be a killing machine and I was afraid to play her with the most efficient tactics against the PCs..:/ ![]()
![]() Definitely, if your players are ok with that, then give them levels at set points and dont count the xp..Its much easier and much more efficient in game..just remember that if they skip something and never go back you could add some wandering monsters, mini adventures and stuff like that, so that they do not feel like they are getting xp without a reason.. P.S: From personal experience, if you feel from the first session that something or someone is ''unbalanced'' you should talk to him/her now. If you dont, it will get harder and harder to convince people that they should change their PC even a little.. ![]()
![]() Tangent101 wrote:
Oh! I see..pretty much the same situation as mine..only that your PCs are all powerfull and thats better I guess..So, Tangent101, how do you keep the AP difficulty? I understand you max out the hp..thats fair but do you give 1 or 2 class levels more to some opponent creatures or something like that too??Do you also give your PCs fewer gold and treasure? ![]()
![]() I have the same question about the 3 Black Arrows..where are they supposed to follow and help the party and where not? Furthermore I would like to ask (I think someone already asked this but I cant find it) if anyone had prepared an "adventuring" trip to Turtleback Ferry, or do you think I should make it an easy and calm road trip for my PCs? Thanks in advance! ![]()
![]() Thank you! You are all very helpfull, as always! I think I will have to change their loot, maybe downgrade it a bit and then change it to help more the wizard/cleric classes. If this goes well then I will just have a powerfull team (as a total) and I will be able to boost a little the encounters so that the difficulty level increases to normal..I got some more questions but I will post them to the hook mountain thread for GMs! ![]()
![]() The classes are:
The players are helpfull, but they do not want to change their characters of course. The problem is that if I augment the CR of the encounters the Ranger/barbarian are going to survive and the other 2 will keep dying (at least with great priority) which will make them sad..I hope that if I give them less gold they will buy more items for the wizard and cleric and less for the ranger for example..they have team play, this is good for me I guess..Wraithstrike, to answer your question, I didnt changed significantly any of the tactics written in the AP stat blocks..maybe I could, but I dnt want to lose the feeling of each monsters "personality".. ![]()
![]() Hello everyone! The characters in my RotR campaign are clearly overpowered..We are new to tabletop rpgs so at the beggining I suggested to them that they roll for stats. So..one of them has incredible stats and the other 3 above average (I mean 15 - 20 point buy)..this was no problem until now due to their lack of player experience and poor build etc etc..But as they get to know the game better (currently moving to part 3) this power shines more and more..For example they deafeted X (luck was on their side too) with noone bellow zero hp..until now I was thinking that as long as we have fun its no problem (and it wasnt..) but most of them told me they expected something more frightening in the end of part 2 (what X was supposed to be..). Now we are moving to part 3 with even more gear and a sense of "nothing can kill us" (even with already 3 deaths already due to very bad choices)..So, I start this thread to ask you guys if anyone has ideas to offer about what to do and how to handle things(especially the ranger with the incredible stats^^)..for example if anyone augmented the CR of the encounters in part 3 it would be really helpfull to share the ways he done that etc..Thank you in advance! ![]()
![]() Personally, I do not own the map folio, so I just judge according to my opinion which maps need to be printed ( I print them in multiple A4 pages :/ ) and wich should be drawn by hand..Some of the Paizo maps in the AP are so beautifull that I print them anyway^^..Community Created Stuff is also a good solution in some cases and definitely something everyone should check before running the ap!! A lot of interesting stuff in this thread and not only maps! ![]()
![]() I agree with blue drake, removing the haunts is not necessary..in my game I just had father Zantus gather 3 or 4 more clerics and go back with my PCs to the haunted house to make some kind of a ritual in front of "Vorel". The PCs had to face some of the haunts again but now without worrying about their life so it was kind of funny session! My players dont really care about the spells and stuff like that, its just the story for them most of the times, so they didnt asked what father Zantus is trying to do (no Spellcraft check was asked, which was nice for me as a Dm because I dont know what a lvl 4 cleric could even do in such a case :P)
![]() Hello everyone! So..my pcs failed to invade the lumber mill of the Brotherhood..long story short: 2 of them died in the process an the other 2 managed to retreat..so i am thinking of a solution to keep playing but my ideas are not great until now.. The 2 players are working on new characters..somebody on the messageboards advised me to use the sewer system of magnimar as a new base for the Skinsaw Cult and move the last encounter there..I found this to be a great idea! I also got the Scarecrow and I could use it someway..Any ideas how to combine all these and make the Pcs investigate the sewers?? Furthermore, any ideas how I should advise my players on creating new PCs that could be included in the story ?
![]() You are right mcbobbo, in most cases this is the truth..but.. spoiler: in this case Aldern was obsessed with her and she attacked him while he was expressing (in a weird way i know..) his feelings! The path says:
When the Skinsaw Man takes over, he puts on his mask and assumes the form of his obsession, attacking that character to the exclusion of all other targets. It was a long fight with aldern and some more ghouls and in the end, when the skinsaw man took over, aldern realised he probably cant escape..so I thought as a DM that this is what my scary aldern would do in this case..if he had a chance(which arrived due to bad luck from my PCs) he would try to take with him his ''love''.. I still dont know if this was the best choice, but ok..after a long chase after the murderer and huge haunted mansion I think this drama was what the party actually wanted to have..noone complained (which is rare..) ![]()
![]() RotR Imho is as difficult as any other published campaign and as it should be..In my world, the concept is ''If no adventurers ever died, everyone would try to be one!''..Still we are just before Xanesha and we had 3 deaths untill now, 2 (or 3?) of which could be blamed in total party stupidity and overconfidence^^ 1st death: The party cleric died in the fight with aldern..aldern was obsessed with her and she insisted to attack him as he was making his monologue..so in the end (by bad luck) all 4 of them ended up paralysed (and eating fungus) and he coup de grace her with his last hit points! 2nd and 3rd death: A group of three (the fourth was out of Magnimarvand they didnt wait for him) entered in the middle of the night in the Brother's lumber mill..they never asked for stealth check and they made a ruckus..they ended updead by the yondabakari river.. So no..untill now at least, RotR is not soo extreme (I am waiting for mrs tpk next session). It is just that PCs need to make a plan for all difficult encounters, without plan things get ugly..thats normal:D ![]()
![]() Hello everyone!
Thanks in advance ![]()
![]() spoiler: I 've got 4 Pcs and 3 of them have very high ability scores (we rolled them -.-). I had them lvl up during 1st underground lvl (after Orik). I still regretting the fight with Nualia that night..it ended up being so easy for them in some way..maybe I didnt play her in the best way..Finally, Imo have them lvl up before nualia (so no1 dies) but play her cleverly and maybe add her some hp during the fight..I know everybody says she is a difficult enconter, but my players really had no problem..they even tossed her corpse in the pit trap:P The shadows almost killed them all though and they fled with no much treasure.. ![]()
![]() Thanks a lot!Amazing! Those ideas woke me up and now I think i found what ill do..One last thing..should I have magnimar guards arrest them or search for them?? Actually they are living in an inn that a guard suggested to them so...the magnimar guards could easily learn about them and their location..