is there a way for another race to take Warslinger?

Rules Questions

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

is there a way for one race to gain a "race trait" from another race, like halfling's "warslinger" ?
or do the adopted / racial heritage type feats just allow you to take "racial traits" the half-feat traits that you get two of, from the back of APG?

Just the half-traits. I don't think there's a way to get Warslinger on a non-halfling.

Reincarnation? Not sure if it save traits.

I don't think even the human (Halfling, in this case) Racial Heritage feat would technically let you do that. There ought to be a way, but I don't know how.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Racial traits ("features") =/= race traits ("half-feats"). There's no RAW way (AFAIK) for a non-halfling to gain the Warslinger alternate racial trait.

However, you may be able to ask your GM to use the Race Builder to create a custom race with a similar (house-ruled) racial trait. It doesn't exist on the list of race-builder options, but looking at the race builder halfling example, it replaces Surefooted (Skill Bonus (Acrobatics) 2 rp and Skill Bonus (Climb) 2 rp). A house-ruled race builder variant should probably be worth 3-4 rp; probably 4, since it grants what's effectively a bonus feat (Rapid Reload) with a non-valid* weapon choice for the feat.

*- Personally, I think you should be able to take Rapid Reload with slings or halfling sling staffs, but RAW you can't. You could also just ask for a house-rule to take Rapid Reload (Sling).

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