Octopus and Grapple?

Rules Questions

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First off, I have my books in my night stand and my wife is asleep so doing this from memory, sorry if my terminology is a little off?

I have a huge Octopus attacking the group this weekend and want to see if I will play it right?

If I have a Octopus arm grapple someone, I can only move the Octopus 15 ft in water? usually 30 ft but a grappled person makes the Octopus move at half move.

If I have 2 Octopus arms grapple someone that counts as aid another in the grapple?

If the Octopus "jets" with one or more P.C's it moves 100 ft? (half the jet distance of 200 ft)

If the Octopus successfully grabs someone can it bring the P.C adjacent to it's self? or does it have to grapple the opponent first then move it adjacent to it's self?
I ask as I want to know when the P.C enters the water.

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Lichemaster wrote:
I have a huge Octopus attacking the group this weekend and want to see if I will play it right?

Ok, if it's huge, I'm assuming this is a Giant Lake Octopus, then. Tell me if I'm wrong.

Lichemaster wrote:
If I have a Octopus arm grapple someone, I can only move the Octopus 15 ft in water? usually 30 ft but a grappled person makes the Octopus move at half move.

The Octopus can't take a move action to move at all, it has to use its standard action and make a grapple check in order to move the grapple, and yes, it would be 15'.

Lichemaster wrote:
If I have 2 Octopus arms grapple someone that counts as aid another in the grapple?

No, a creature is grappling an enemy or it isn't. There's no way to aid yourself with additional grab attacks. In fact, since making a grapple check is a standard action, you'll never be able to take another action to start a grapple after the first anyway.

Lichemaster wrote:
If the Octopus "jets" with one or more P.C's it moves 100 ft? (half the jet distance of 200 ft)

Using Jet is a full round action--it is a special ability, not a movement speed. Making a grapple check to move is a standard action, and moves half your speed, which is 30'. Jet can't be combined unless you let go.

Lichemaster wrote:
If the Octopus successfully grabs someone can it bring the P.C adjacent to it's self? or does it have to grapple the opponent first then move it adjacent to it's self?

Anyone that is grappled is automatically moved to a square adjacent to the creature grappling them. This is actually required--there's no way to grapple them and keep them at a distance.

In general, unless the PC's absolutely can't handle the water at all, the octopus is best off not bothering to grapple--9 attacks (beak plus tentacles) is way better than a single grapple each turn.

mplindustries wrote:
Lichemaster wrote:
I have a huge Octopus attacking the group this weekend and want to see if I will play it right?

Ok, if it's huge, I'm assuming this is a Giant Lake Octopus, then. Tell me if I'm wrong.

That is the Octopus I'm using, it's from an Adventure Path and did not want to say which one for fear of others learning what should not be known.

Lichemaster wrote:
If the Octopus successfully grabs someone can it bring the P.C adjacent to it's self? or does it have to grapple the opponent first then move it adjacent to it's self?

Anyone that is grappled is automatically moved to a square adjacent to the creature grappling them. This is actually required--there's no way to grapple them and keep them at a distance.

In general, unless the PC's absolutely can't handle the water at all, the octopus is best off not bothering to grapple--9 attacks (beak plus tentacles) is way better than a single grapple each turn.

Thinking of grabbing the fighter(the group will be on the warf) grapple him, drawing him into the water, then as a free action letting go.

Now he has to start swimming?

Then second turn attack the rest of the group and with all the attacks each one is a free grab and as long as I don't try to do a grapple I'm at a large minus to keep them grappled? that sound right?


The Octopus can strike with a tentacle, grab, pull the fighter adjacent, free action let go, and repeat for arms 2-8. Then make the bite its last attack. It should have 1-8 tasty targets conveniently in reach of its beak.

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Now: what happens when the octopus grapples a succubus?

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Ipslore the Red wrote:
Now: what happens when the octopus grapples a succubus?

Only read the first page, but Brilliant!

Nefreet wrote:
The Octopus can strike with a tentacle, grab, pull the fighter adjacent, free action let go, and repeat for arms 2-8. Then make the bite its last attack. It should have 1-8 tasty targets conveniently in reach of its beak.

Wow that was my next question.

Thanks will make sure I get the swimming and drowning rules (hold ones breath) down.

Thanks a bunch......


Imagine if it had constrict.

mplindustries wrote:

In fact, since making a grapple check is a standard action, you'll never be able to take another action to start a grapple after the first anyway.

Never say never. With Greater Grapple you can grapple second creature (tho with -4 pen for not having 2 free hands), then bash poor guys againt eachother or walls (by spending 2 move action to maintain 2 grapples)

But do you have to make a combat maneuver check to see if you successfully grab a fighter even after the attack is successful or does the grab succeed automatically with a successful attack?

I believe that it grants a free CM check with a successful attack, but lich here, my GM used every successful attack as a free grab and pulled us towards him every time. I have a hard time believing this to be correct.

The grab ability just says that if you have a successful attack you can attempt a grapple as a free action and without provoking an attack of opportunity. Is grab just an intermediary step, as in attack, then grab and then "insert maneuver"

Yes, you have to make a combat maneuver check as usual.

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