Azelyan |
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I did some looking around, and was not able to find a good example of one of these characters. I am trying to make one of these as an enemy in a game i am running but I am at a loss on how to go about it.
What kind of feats would one use for this kind of character. (focusing on Force magic, and telekinetics) Also trying to figure out what a good bloodline would be for the character too.

Thaliak |
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Let's look at the list of force spells. At level 1, we have:
Magic Missile, which deals damage to one to five targets;
Shield, which has a short duration but blocks Magic Missile and increases the casters' AC by 4;
Mage Armor, the spell most mages cast at least once a day; and
Floating Disk, the weak villain's favorite way to carry death ray machines and inconvenient corpses.
Level 2 has:
Admonishing Ray, a Scorching Ray imitator that deals nonletham damage; and
Pilfering Hand, which lets budding telekineticists steal opponents' weapons and items or disable devices from a distance;
Level 3 has:
Ablative Barrier, which surrounds the target with bands of force that increase his AC by 2 and turn five points of damage from each attack into nonlethal damage;
Battering Blast, which lets a vexed villain hurl balls of force that damage opponents and send them flying back;
Chain of Perdition, which creates a floating chain of force that can blind, entangle, drag, reposition or trip enemies; and
Force Punch, a melee touch attack that damages a single foe and pushes him away.
Level 4 has Telekinetic Charge, which can send an ally flying toward the white-robed wizard that thinks he's safe in the back row.
Level 5 gives you:
Interposing Hand, which creates a large hand that stays between you and your foe, granting cover; and
Wall of Force, which does exactly what its name suggests.
Level 6 presents Forceful Hand, an interposing hand that can also push opponents away.
Level 7 has more options. They are:
Force Cage, which creates a 20-foot barred cage or a 10-foot prison so impenetrable its inmates might suffocate; and
Grasping Hand, a hand of force that can grapple or bull rush foes.
Level 8 gives us Clenched Fist, which summons a massive fist of force so strong it can stun foes.
Level 9 brings us:
Mage's Magnificent Enclosure, which creates an antimagic field and surrounds it with a sphere almost as strong as a wall of force, trapping would-be teleporters inside; and
Crushing Hand, an even stronger hand of force that can grapple and constrict squishy wizards with ease.
For a character focused on Telekinesis, the cantrip Mage Hand, the Level 1 spell Unseen Servant, the Level 2 spell Reloading Hands, the Level 3 spells Telikinetic Assembly and Phantom Driver, and the Level 5 spell Unseen Crew might also be of interest. Of course, you'll also want Telekinesis, the object-moving, maneuver-making spell that seems to be at the core of your character.
If you look at the spells above, you'll notice three things:
1. Only a few of them offer a save.
2. Many of them enable you to perform combat maneuvers.
3. Most of the spells that allow you to perform combat maneuvers use your caster level and casting stat as their combat maneuver bonus, so if you want to optimize them, you need to boost your caster level and charisma as high as possible.
If you're in a high level game, the third point needs to be stressed. Combat maneuvers are difficult to perform against high-level martials because CMD scales faster than CMB. Unlike a fighter, you won't be able to rely on magic weapons, enchantment bonuses and class features to boost your combat maneuver bonus.
Instead, you'll need to raise your caster level or CMB. I can think of seven ways to do that:
1. The Mage's Tattoo feat, which boosts the caster level for all spells from a school (evocation or transmutation) by 1;
2. Spell Specialization, which increases the caster level of a single spell by 2;
3. The Gifted Adept trait, which allows you to increase your caster level for a single spell;
4. Precocious Apprentice, another magic trait that grants the +1 caster level bonus to a first level spell (Magic Missile) and a cantrip;
5. Inspired by Greatness, a campaign trait that also offers a single-spell caster level bonus;
6. Secret of the Impossible, a region trait with the same effect;
7. The orange prism ioun stone, which gives the user +1 caster level; and
8. Spell Perfection, a level 15 plus feat that would double the numerical bonuses you gain from Spell Specialization.
The trait bonuses won't stack, so the most you can get from these ideas is a +7 bonus. However, I'm sure there are other ways to increase caster level.
Once your base attack bonus is high enough, you could also take combat maneuver feats such as Trip and Improved trip. You might also consider Toppling Spell, a +1 metamagic feat that causes force spells-including five-target Magic Missiles-to trip foes. If you take the Magical Lineage or Wayang Spellhunter traits, you'll be able to apply this feat to a single spell for free.
Combat maneuver checks generally count as attack rolls, so you might also benefit from spells like True Strike, Heroism and Bless. Your villain might also benefit from a friendly bard with Inspire Courage or a witch with the fortune hex, which would let him roll one check a round twice and take the higher result.
If you find the concept of a combat maneuver caster appealing, consider the Force Commander, a wizard archetype from Rite Publishing that specializes in moving his allies and hindering his foes with maneuvers.
If you focus on maneuvers, remember that they're designed to help other people, not to kill enemies outright. Tripping, blinding or grappling an enemy doesn't do much good unless someone else can finish the job and keep other enemies away, so your villain should try to fight when he has a numerical advantage. Ideally, the terrain (or some well-placed pit spells) should make pushing and pulling the players beneficial without making a single bull rush fatal.
Regarding bloodlines, consider taking one that will allow your villain to play a trickster, such as Shadow or Rakshasa. Alternately, pick one that represents the idea of leadership so he has a good reason to be surrounded by lackies that can strike the players when they're down. Or if you want something that offers more mechanical benefits, take the Sylvan alternate bloodline that grants an animal companion.

HaraldKlak |
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@Thaliak: Great break down of the options.
The only suggestion I can add right now, is that it might be appropriate to add animate objects to the character. While not strictly telekinetic in nature, it could easily be flavored as such.
A group of permanently animated objects might even serve as the cannonfodder of the encounter.

Rashagar |
I think it was missed in among the great suggestions from Thaliak so just to mention that one of my favourite spells is Enemy Hammer.
Force and telekinesis focus could be a chance to make a dragon disciple flavoured around the raw might of a dragon rather than the elemental aspects, or maybe even to have a disciple of a spectral dragon of some kind. It would hurt the combat maneuver options outlined above though, with the drop in caster level etc.
Words of Power have an area of effect shapable force blast effect word too, but it's a 5th level spell capped at 10d6 damage. Intensified, magical lineaged and obtained with Experimental Wordcaster feat, it might be decent, but just to mention the option is there.

Kolokotroni |

There are a few good 3rd party options if you are interested specifically in Force casters. Specifically the Battle Scion from kobold press has a force blaster archetype that focuses on it's force blast ability allowing you to pump out bolts of force that can knock the enemy around.
Also the super genius games Riven Mage is an alternate form of casting that breaks magic down into primal 'riven spells'. Among them are 'blast' and 'bolt' which are force effects and 'surge' allows you to perform combat maneuvers at range.

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
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Forceful Bloodline
Class Skill: Acrobatics
Bonus Spells: shield of faith (3rd), spiritual weapon (5th), fly (7th), forceful strike (9th), constricting coils (11th), animate objects (13th), repulsion (15th), earthquake (17th), winds of vengeance (19th)
Bonus Feats: Acrobatic, Combat Casting, Defensive Combat Training, Dodge, Empower Spell, Heighten Spell, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Quicken Spell, Spell Penetration, Toppling Spell.
Bloodline Arcana: You add the spell level to your CMB and CMD for 1 round when you cast a spell with the force descriptor.
Bloodline Powers:
Mind Over Matter (Sp): At 1st level, as a standard action, you can make a combat maneuver against a target within 30 feet of you. You use your caster level + your Charisma modifier in place of your normal CMB when you use this ability. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
Mind Over Body (Su): At 3rd level, you learn to use force magic to aid your movement. You add your Charisma modifier to Acrobatic, Climb, Fly, and Swim skill checks.
Soften the Blow (Ex): At 9th level, you can choose to cause non-lethal damage when you damage a creature with a spell of the force descriptor. A number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier, you can use feather fall.
Forceful Strikes (Su): At 15th level, whenever you cast a spell of the force descriptor that creates an effect with an effective Strength score, you add your Charisma modifier to the spell’s Strength score. At 20th level, you add double your Charisma modifier. You add your Charisma bonus to all weapon damage rolls; this is a force effect.
Force Field (Su): At 20th level, you gain an armor bonus to your AC equal to half your level (this a force effect), DR 5/-, and any creature that successfully strikes you with a natural attack, unarmed strike, or non-reach melee weapon is targeted with a bull-rush with a CMB equal to your level + double your Charisma modifier; any creature that moves more than 10 feet away from you also falls prone.

Ravingdork |
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A ring of telekinesis makes anyone into a formidable foe.

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

A ring of telekinesis makes anyone into a formidable foe.
Add a ring of the ram for the win!

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
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Force Adept (Wizard archetype)
Force Pool (Su): The force adept gains a pool of force points equal to half his class level + his Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). Beginning at 1st level, the force adept can spend 1 force point to cast magic missile. At higher levels, the force adept gains other powers that may also consume force points. The force adept’s pool of force points is renewed each day when he prepares spells.
This ability replaces Arcane Bond.
Force School: A force adept must choose to specialize in spells of the force descriptor, gaining additional spells and powers based on that school. This choice is made at 1st level, and once made, it cannot be changed.
A force adept chooses to specialize in spells of the force descriptor and therefore all other spells are opposition spells, representing knowledge sacrificed in one area of arcane lore to gain mastery in another. A force adept who prepares opposition spells from his spellbook must use two spell slots of that level to prepare the spell. For example, a force adept must expend two of his available 3rd-level spell slots to prepare a fireball spell, since fireball lacks the force descriptor. In addition, a force adept takes a –4 penalty on any skill checks made when crafting a magic item that has an opposition spell as a prerequisite.
Force adepts receive an additional spell slot of each spell level he can cast, from 1st on up. Each day, a force adept can prepare a spell of the force descriptor in that slot. This spell must be in the force adept’s spellbook. A force adept can select a spell modified by a metamagic feat to prepare in his school slot, but it uses up a higher-level spell slot.
This replaces Arcane School.
Forceful Missiles (Su): At 1st level, the damage dice of the force adept’s magic missile spells increases by one category, from 1d4+1 to 1d6+1. At 8th level, they increase to 1d8+1. At 14th level, they increase to 1d10+1. At 20th level, they increase to 1d12+1.
This ability replaces the Arcane School powers gained at 1st and 6th or 8th level.
Force Adaptations (Su): At 1st level, 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter, the force adept gains one of the following special abilities. These special abilities replace Scribe Scroll and the bonus item creation and metamagic feats gained at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20.
Abundant Missiles: Beginning at 11th level, you gain an additional missile when you cast magical missile, for a total of 6 missiles. At 13th level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the number of missiles you gain when you cast magic missile increases by one.
Exploding Missiles: By spending 1 force point from your force pool, you can cause enhance a single casting of magic missile to explode upon strike its target(s). Creatures adjacent to your target take half the damage of your magic missile; they can make a Reflex save with a DC of 10 + ½ your force adept level + your Intelligence modifier for half damage.
Impact Missile: You add your Intelligence modifier to the damage caused by one of the missiles produced whenever you cast magic missile.
Greater Impact Missiles: By spending 1 force point from your force pool, you can add your Intelligence modifier to the damage caused by each of the missiles produced when you cast magic missile. You must have the Impact Missile adaptation before selecting this adaptation.
Maneuver Missiles: By spending 1 force point from your force pool, you can perform one of the following combat maneuvers to each target of your magic missile spell: bull rush, dirty trick, disarm, or trip. You use your caster level + your Intelligence modifier in place of your standard CMB; if you strike a creature with multiple missiles, you gain a +2 bonus to your CMB for each additional missile beyond the first.
Metamagic Missile Mastery: You can reduce the increase in spell slot levels when applying metamagic feats to magic missile spells by spending an equivalent number of force points from your force pool. You cannot spend a portion of the spell level increase; if you do not have enough points in your force pool to completely pay the cost of reducing the extra levels of the metamagic feat applied to the spell, you cannot use this ability.
Penetrating Missiles: When you make a caster level check to overcome the spell resistance of a target of your magic missile spell, you may roll twice and select the higher result. At 20th level, you may roll 3 times and select the highest result.
Spellstriking Missiles: As a full round action, you can cast magic missile and a second companion spell, with the target(s) of your magic missile spell also being the target(s) of the companion spell. You must spend a number of force points equal to the level of the companion spell to activate this ability. A target struck by multiple missiles can only be targeted by the companion spell once.
Greater Spellstriking Missiles: When you use your Spellstriking Missiles ability, you only need to spend half the level of the companion spell in force points. If the target is hit with multiple missiles, for each missile beyond the 1st, you gain a +1 on caster level checks and increase the save DC by +1. You must have the Spellstriking Missiles adaptation before selecting this adaptation.
Sundering Missiles: You can target non-living objects with your magic missile spells. You can make the sunder combat maneuver with your magic missile spells by spending 1 force point from your force pool and making a combat maneuver check with a CMB of your caster level + your Intelligence modifier in place of your standard CMB; if you strike a creature’s object with multiple missiles, you gain a +2 bonus to your CMB for each additional missile beyond the first.
Greater Sundering Missiles: When you target a non-living object with your magic missile spells, you ignore an amount of its hardness equal to your caster level. You can also target golems and other constructs normally immune or resistant to magic with your magic missile spells if your caster level is greater than or equal to the amount of DR/adamantite or DR/- of the golem or construct. You must have the Sundering Missiles adaptation before you can select this adaptation.

Azelyan |

Well guys instead of trying to make a boss in my game, my bud let me play a psychic sorcerer in his game. This is the bloodline he came up with:
Psycho-Kinetic Bloodline
Class Skill: Sense Motive
Bloodline Feats: Improved Trip, Combat Casting, Dodge, Toppling Spell, Iron Will, Spell Focus(Evocation), Spell Penetration, Combat Expertise, Toughness.
Bonus Spells: Mage Armor (3rd), Shatter (5th), Twilight Knife (7th), Telekinetic Charge (9th), Wall of Force (11th), Forceful Hand (13th), Reverse Gravity (15th), Telekinetic Sphere (17th), Crushing Hand (19th).
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell with the force descriptor, you effective caster level is increased by one, and you gain a bonus equal to the spell's level to your will saves for a round.
Bloodline Powers
Force Shield: At 1st level, you can conjure a shield as per the shield spell, as a free action. At 7th level the AC bonus of the shield increases to +5. At 11th level the AC bonus increases to +6 and can deflect one ranged attack a round as if you had the missile shield feat. You can use this shield for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + Charisma Modifier.
Mental Mastery: At 3rd level, you gain a +2 insight bonus to will saves and a +1 insight bonus to AC. At 9th level, the bonus to will saves increases to a +3, and the bonus to AC increases to a +2. At 15th level, the bonus to will saves increases to a +5, and the AC increases to a +4.
Close-Off: At 9th level, you gain the ability to summon a cage around an opponent, like the spell forcecage. This can only be used to trap opponents until level 15, where this functions as if casting the forcecage spell. The DC for the Reflex Save is 10 + 1/2 caster lvl + Charisma Modifier. You can use this cage for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + Charisma Modifier.
Force of Will: At 15th level, you gain the ability to change any save that would affect you, into a will saving throw instead.
Psycho-Kinetic Fusion: At 20th level, you gain the ability to perform supernatural feats using only your will power. For a number of consecutive rounds equal to 3 + Charisma Modifier, all of your spells are empowered without increasing their cast time, and you gain the ability to use telekinesis at will. This removes the upper limit on all force spells and the telekinesis at will ability. (so upping caster level means I can get huge amounts of magic missiles near the end and annihilating the cap on telekinesis)
I think its pretty damn cool. I am loving this bloodline. the first power means I never have to cast shield spell and it scales. The second one just makes me more tanky and stronger will saves. Third power is situation, I am meh on it. The 15th and 20th bloodline powers are where it is at.
I am gonna need help deciding a build for this.
I was thinking: Human Psycho-Kinetic Sorcerer 20
Human - Spell Focus (Evocation)
1 - Improved Initiative
3 - Spell Specialization (Magic Missile) (Change at a later date to another force spell)
5 - Toppling Spell
7 - Mages Tattoo (Evocation)
Bonus (7) - Iron Will
9 -
11 -
13 -
Bonus (13) - Spell Penetration
15 -
17 -
19 -
Bonus (19) - Toughness/Combat Casting
My mind kind of stops there as to what to grab for other feats. Also would need suggestions on items. This would be her starting build statwise based on how we play:
Str - 8
Dex - 16 or 14
Con - 14 or 16
Int - 12
Wis - 10
Cha - 20 (18 + 2)
if I was starting at a later level I would probably have Wis as the second or third highest stat.

Quandary |

Along with the Animate Object, things like Fly are reasonably in theme with Telekinesis even though they aren't [Force] spells.
Some Abjurations like Mage Armor/Shield also could apply. Heck, you could go as far as Haste being on-theme.
Enchantment and Illusion could be another realm for 'psychic' type manifestations.

XMorsX |
I will also suggest to take Dazing Spell and use it with an AoE blast targeting reflex saves. Battering Blast is a good candidate for a high lvl caster.
From the 3rd party and homebrewed stuff that it is being suggested what will you use?

XMorsX |
A quick sample build.
Traits: Magical Lineage (Battering Blast), Wayang Spellhunter (Magic Missile)
1 Toppling Spell, Spell Focus: Evocation
3 Spell Specialization (Magic Missile, switch to Battering Blast)
5 Mages Tattoo (Evocation)
7 Combat Casting (b), Greater Spell Focus: Evocation
9 Improved Initiative
11 Piercing Spell
13 Toughness (b), Dazing Spell
15 Spell Perfection: (Battering Blast)
17 Quicken Spell
19 Spell Penetration (b), Persistent Spell
An alternative with the Tattood Sorcerer archetype (I like it more, it allows you to take your feats faster and fit in Empower spell)
1 Mages Tattoo (Evocation) (b), Toppling Spell, Spell Focus: Evocation
3 Spell Specialization (Magic Missile, switch to Battering Blast)
5 Greater Spell Focus: Evocation
7 Combat Casting (b), Improved Initiative
9 Piercing Spell
11 Dazing Spell
13 Toughness (b), Empower Spell
15 Spell Perfection (Battering Blast)
17 Quicken Spell
19 Spell Penetration (b), Persistent Spell
In both builds, you start with toppling magic missiles at lvl one and you work your way to a dazing battering blast.
I delay spell penetration because sorcerers can spontaneously add the piercing spell metamagic anytime they need it, making the spell penetration feats largely obsolete.