Two Minor Grievances

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

The end of the Burnt Offering the reward is a specific card: Sihedron Medallion. Of which there is only one in the set. So the end reward is one character gets one reward and everyone else gets nothing.

Side Note: Is that the only Loot card in the entire box set?

Also the theory of the Adventure Deck boxes fitting in the main box is pretty cool; but with no center divide in the deck boxes, cards are just shifting around ramming into each other and getting damaged.

Yes the Shiedron Medallion is the only loot in the entire box thus far. More will be released in each adventure pack

I do agree that one loot item does lead to some odd "fighting over" by other party members.

You could take a "wow-ish" approach and just have everyone do a roll-off and see who wins that way.

Or you could be Seelah and not care about a medaillon ;-)

That is totally in par with Roleplaying game, there is always a lot of infighting for the final loot item.

But as there will be more and more of them it is usually not a trouble, player can negociate other items at the same phase.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I think I am doing to do a house rule that at the end of Burnt Offerings, whomever doesn't take the Loot, gets a random pull from whatever boon deck they want. Maybe even only from the cards from that adventure [i.e. with a 1 in the corner] to give a better chance at a good pull.

Also remember - what benefits one person benefits everyone in this game. You all work as a team, so when one person is doing particularly well, the others often share their success. If A and B have taken heavy combat damage and are at death's door, C can come in and do the fighting while they take a few turns to heal (or just wait out the clock).

TClifford wrote:
I think I am doing to do a house rule that at the end of Burnt Offerings, whomever doesn't take the Loot, gets a random pull from whatever boon deck they want. Maybe even only from the cards from that adventure [i.e. with a 1 in the corner] to give a better chance at a good pull.

I guess my main point wasn't that it was only 1 card, but that the reward was so specific and didn't give ANYTHING to the other X # of people doing that scenario.

At the end of Perils, everyone gets an item; at the end of Burnt, one person gets a loot card. It might have been better to have the loot added to items=(players-1), shuffle them together, and give each character one card.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Charles Adams 757 wrote:
TClifford wrote:
I think I am doing to do a house rule that at the end of Burnt Offerings, whomever doesn't take the Loot, gets a random pull from whatever boon deck they want. Maybe even only from the cards from that adventure [i.e. with a 1 in the corner] to give a better chance at a good pull.
I guess my main point wasn't that it was only 1 card, but that the reward was so specific and didn't give ANYTHING to the other X # of people doing that scenario.

I get your main point, I am just pointing out that my way around the lack of reward for the other players...

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

That is the way RPGs are. There may not always be enough loot and sometimes someone will get nothing.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Yea, that is why I don't have a problem with the rewards of a random pull from say the entire Items deck. You have a chance of just pulling some basic item. But I still think the other players should get something for making it all the way through the adventure. By limiting it only to the cards from that specific adventure pack, then you increase the chance of getting a nice pull. Then again, I have always been accused of being a little to Monty Hall with my campaigns.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Doesn't each scenario already give out boons to every player each time one is completed?

The Loot is an extra bonus for completing all of the scenarios.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

That is just it, the reward for completely the whole adventure pack is only 1 card, the Sihedron Medallion. So no matter how many people completed the adventure together, only one of them is going to get the loot. Now it is a pretty good card, especially if you are a Divine or Arcane caster, but not good enough for that to be the only reward for completely all 5 scenarios. IMHO.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I do not know the exact post, but Vic said there were a total of 15 or 17 Loot cards between all 6 of the AP decks. Only Burnt Offerings has 1.

Just be patient, and every one will get some Loot cards.

Liberty's Edge

Like it's been said a few times, it is a cooperative game, so you can give the Loot to the character who will benefit the most and it's good for the whole party. You can also exchange it between the following scenarios so everyone who wants has a chance to try it out.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I think if you look on the .pdf character sheets you can see what the loot cards are for the next two adventures.

Edit: Looks like we are getting 2 more Sihedron Medalions in each of the next adventures, Headband of Vast Intelligence [3], Impaler of Thorns [2], Medusa Mask [2], Snakeskin Tunic [2], & Wand of Enervation [3].

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

TClifford wrote:
That is just it, the reward for completely the whole adventure pack is only 1 card, the Sihedron Medallion. So no matter how many people completed the adventure together, only one of them is going to get the loot. Now it is a pretty good card, especially if you are a Divine or Arcane caster, but not good enough for that to be the only reward for completely all 5 scenarios. IMHO.

To be pedantic, the reward for the whole adventure is a card feat, the loot card is the reward for the last scenario.

It's really sad for someone who solos Seelah all the way through.

I have to wonder what the point of the reward for finishing the entire AP is? Maybe I'm assuming too much but I would think that we would be "retiring" our characters at that point. Seems like it would be super easy mode to just drag our awesome endgame guys into the beginning of the next set...

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Charles Adams 757 wrote:
The end of the Burnt Offering the reward is a specific card: Sihedron Medallion. Of which there is only one in the set. So the end reward is one character gets one reward and everyone else gets nothing.
Rules: Ending a Scenario, Adventure, or Adventure Path wrote:
If the players meet the conditions for winning on the scenario card, your group defeats the scenario and earns the reward listed on the scenario card. You may be rewarded with loot cards, which each can be given to any player in the group."

Note the presence of the word "each" there—there *are* rewards in the future that involve multiple loot cards—quite a few of them, actually.

Charles Adams 757 wrote:
Also the theory of the Adventure Deck boxes fitting in the main box is pretty cool; but with no center divide in the deck boxes, cards are just shifting around ramming into each other and getting damaged.

We kind of expect you to leave the cards in each Adventure Deck shrinkwrapped until you open them to put in the main section...

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

TClifford wrote:
I think I am doing to do a house rule that at the end of Burnt Offerings, whomever doesn't take the Loot, gets a random pull from whatever boon deck they want. Maybe even only from the cards from that adventure [i.e. with a 1 in the corner] to give a better chance at a good pull.
Rules: Making Your Own Cards (but it applies just as well to modifying existing cards) wrote:
Be careful when setting rewards; you don’t want to give out too much for success.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

ryric wrote:
I have to wonder what the point of the reward for finishing the entire AP is?
Rules: Ending a Scenario, Adventure, or Adventure Path wrote:
If you’re playing an Adventure Path and you successfully complete all of the adventures, you earn the reward on the Adventure Path card. At this point, you can build your own adventures using the cards you have, or you can create new characters and start over.

Vic Wertz wrote:

Charles Adams 757 wrote:
Also the theory of the Adventure Deck boxes fitting in the main box is pretty cool; but with no center divide in the deck boxes, cards are just shifting around ramming into each other and getting damaged.
We kind of expect you to leave the cards in each Adventure Deck shrinkwrapped until you open them to put in the main section...

OK. But at some point you need to put them back either going forward or backwards to just the base set.

Vic Wertz wrote:
We kind of expect you to leave the cards in each Adventure Deck shrinkwrapped until you open them to put in the main section...

Yeah right ;-) I have given up hope to achieve this level of self-restraint a while ago.

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