Trading between characters from different party

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

I am wondering if I am able to trade between two of my characters from two different parties after a scenario or would I need to take both of them and do a scenario with them to be able to trade.

Liberty's Edge

I believe you can only trade between characters from the same party.

Scarab Sages

It's your it like you want to play it. It's not like a massively multiplayer game where you can ruin everyone else's enjoyment. Go ahead and twink your characters if that's what floats your boat; do whatever.

By the rules, the only moment character can trade cards is at the end of a scenario... So 2 characters from 2 different parties aren't allowed to trade, except If they do a scenario together...

Or at the beginning of a scenario. Bottom of page 4 under Setup.


Ironburn wrote:
Or at the beginning of a scenario. Bottom of page 4 under Setup.

Or even during a scenario, by giving one card at a time to each other during the appropriate spot in the turn order. That's the slowest way, but sometimes very necessary!

Liberty's Edge

In reality you can do what ever you want. Nothing in the game says you can't mix up parties for different runs. So say you have party A with 3 characters and party B with 3 other characters. They have all completed the same scenarios. As far as I can tell, you can always make a party C with 2 members from party A and 2 members from party B. At that point, they can swap cards before playing. Then to get really munchkin, you can start a scenario, and just let the timer run out. Go back, break up party C, and have everyone go back to their original parties.

So instead of going through all of that finagling...just make a house rule that as long as PCs are at the same point in the adventure, they can swap out cards with each other.

Now, the only problem is, that two people from two different groups might have the same unique card [i.e. the loot card]. In that case, those wouldn't be swappable between the the parties.

By the rules you need to be in a party together to trade (including just before or just after the adventure). By the rules you also don't lose items or feats ifyou play and the blessings deck runs dry. So by the rules it looks like you can deal out an adventure group your characters trade items and flop the blessings over until you run out.

It is your call on weather this is unacceptable cheese, a intended part if the rules, or an accident that happens to not break things too much.

Personally it seems acceptable only if the two characters are controlled by different players and have played an adventure in the past (or have some other reasonable motive to think the trade is a great idea). However that is just my opinion. Non-binding and all that. I'm not a game designer, I don't even play one on TV.

Liberty's Edge

As the game designers keep saying, this is a cooperative card game, not a competitive card game. If you feel that level of cheese is enough for your sensibilities...more power to you. It isn't like Pathfinder Society that has everything spelled out and quantified [for good reason]. You keep your own tracking lists of PCs, cards, and adventures.

You can always have those characters you want to trade with run a mission TOGETHER? Who knows - they might get something great?

How do you let the timer run? you can skip your turn during play?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Every step in your turn is optional (note they all say you "may" do things), except for advancing the blessings deck and resetting your hand (which includes a couple of "you must" sentences)—but if you never do anything to change the number of cards in your hand, there's nothing to do when you reset your hand.

The exploration step is optional with I assume the intention to let someone who is beat up wait for help, or park on a location they can close. Nothing in the rules prevents you from doing that 30 times.

Silver Crusade

I was actually thinking about this myself.

I've only had the game a week, and I've played it solo 5 times, usually with two characters, just to try out all the different characters from the base set (don't have the character add-on pack yet). At this point, I've run them all through Brigandoom. I use the pdf character sheets to record which cards they have afterward, so I can shuffle their decks back into the box before playing with different characters. So they're all at the same step in their progression, and I could mix and match which ones to play together next, and probably will, just to try different combinations.

At one point, one of my non-divine characters picked up a pretty good divine card, and I wondered if I should trade with Kyra, even though I hadn't played the two characters together. In my case, I went ahead and did it, figuring all these solo games are kinda part of the same campaign on my part. I just run different characters at a time, but eventually get them all through the same adventures and keep them at the same level.

When I play with friends, we'll start new characters and consider it a new campaign, so there will be no trading with my solo characters for that. I'm also considering starting a new solo campaign where I just pick two characters and run all the scenarios back to back with the same two, and in that case, I wouldn't trade with the characters from the "all characters solo campaign".

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