Witch hex durations

Rules Questions

Im kind of confused how this works

Lets say the initiative order looks like this :

witch - 15
bad guy - 14

The witch goes first and uses misfortune on the bad guy. Bad guy fails save. The hex lasts 1 round.

At what point does it end?

Does it end at the start of the witch's second round or on the bad guy's second round?

Liberty's Edge

At the beginning of the Witch's second round. Though he/she should be cackling. =)

True, although i find the 30 ft limitation kind of awkard.

Its all too common for enemies or allies to move beyond the 30 ft range before you can cackle...which forces you to spend one round doing nothing but moving into range and cackling.

Also i can totally see a witch hunter or someone who has knowledge about hexes getting affected by a hex then using a withdraw action to run out of range for 1-2 rounds so that the hex expires before the witch can cackle again, thereby becoming immune to it for 24 hours.

It would last until the witch's next turn.

Question wrote:

True, although i find the 30 ft limitation kind of awkard.

Its all too common for enemies or allies to move beyond the 30 ft range before you can cackle...which forces you to spend one round doing nothing but moving into range and cackling.

Also i can totally see a witch hunter or someone who has knowledge about hexes getting affected by a hex then using a withdraw action to run out of range for 1-2 rounds so that the hex expires before the witch can cackle again, thereby becoming immune to it for 24 hours.

Well, withdrawing is always a viable measure to avoid being afflicted with ANY kind of such debilitating effect.

Unless the DM's out to get you, you probably won't be running into too many enemies that know just how to avoid stuff by knowing its intrinsic mechanical knowledge. ...that's just meta-gaming.

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I asked this same question not too long ago. The Hex ends at the beginning of your next round. You pretty much have to cackle on the same round the Hex was applied in order to benefit from your own Hex.

So be careful using a Hex as a prepared action, as you won't get the chance to cackle. Ditto for moving and Hexing on the same round, though the Witch's Blouse helps alleviate this one.

Scarab Sages

Question wrote:

True, although i find the 30 ft limitation kind of awkard.

Its all too common for enemies or allies to move beyond the 30 ft range before you can cackle...which forces you to spend one round doing nothing but moving into range and cackling.

Also i can totally see a witch hunter or someone who has knowledge about hexes getting affected by a hex then using a withdraw action to run out of range for 1-2 rounds so that the hex expires before the witch can cackle again, thereby becoming immune to it for 24 hours.

You have to Cackle in the same round you cast the Hex anyways for single round duration hexes, so don't use your Hex until you have a full round action available so you can Hex and Cackle. You can't use a Hex with a 1 round duration and then Cackle on the next round, because the Hex has already expired by the time you can take your next turn.

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