Do other characters at a location get to check for boons, or only for banes?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

In the rule book under encounter a card it says: "Any character at that location can attempt one or more of the checks, as long as the character who encountered the bane attempts at least one of them."

I had missed the part that says BANE, and had assumed it was for all encounter checks (I.e. Also boons). Is it really just for banes?

I would like to know as well

Sovereign Court

Well, so far there are no boons that have a "THEN" series of checks on them...

does this rule read to you guys as "attempts at least one of them" to mean that the players turn character fails a check, the other player at the location can try the check also?

it has been said you cannot re-check, but to me that implies the same character checking again, because a different character while making the same check isn't re-checking, it's his own first time. maybe I am not understanding, someone help with that also?

also if it says banes, I would think they meant just banes, though that would be a weird typo.

silentdante wrote:

does this rule read to you guys as "attempts at least one of them" to mean that the players turn character fails a check, the other player at the location can try the check also?

it has been said you cannot re-check, but to me that implies the same character checking again, because a different character while making the same check isn't re-checking, it's his own first time. maybe I am not understanding, someone help with that also?

also if it says banes, I would think they meant just banes, though that would be a weird typo.

No, no one else can try the check because as soon as the first player's check is made, it is immediately resolved and the card is either banished, acquired, or shuffled back into the location. There is no opportunity for anyone else to make the check.

Liberty's Edge

It's only with Banes that need 2 check with a THEN linking them to be defeated that another character at the same location can help with one of the checks. If there's only one check, then only the characters who is encounter the can try the check, and only once.

yeah I saw the other thread with the explanation from Vic, thanks guys/gals!

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

Malacandra wrote:
Well, so far there are no boons that have a "THEN" series of checks on them...

In this adventure path, there aren't any such boons.

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