Help Planning a Hexcrafter / Staff Magus


Okay, so my friends and I decided to switch from 3.5 to PF. The Magus class caught my eye and I decided I might give it a go; now I'm a little overwhelmed. Let me give you guys the things I've chosen and can't change before I get ahead of myself.

Level 1 Elf Magus (Hexcrafter & Staff Magus Archetypes) Stats were rolled as follows:
Str: 18
Dex: 13 (After Racial)
Con: 16 (After Racial)
Int: 20 (After Racial)
Wis: 11
Cha: 10

Traits I choose were Get the Cargo Through (Regional) and Rich Parents (Social) to max starting wealth at 1200 GP which were well spent. Besides Cantrips on my spell list, I've selected Color Spray, Enlarge Person, Illusion of Calm, Jury Rig, Obscuring Mist, Shield, Shocking Grasp, and True Strike. Feat at first level was Combat Expertise. All of these things are set in stone, cannot change them.

From here onwards I've got no idea what to do. My feat selection is a bit daunting, even more once I realized I could potentially take the Extra Arcana feat to take an additional Hex if I wanted to.

Additional information you may find helpful: My party consists of myself, a Bard, a Cleric of Serena, a Qigong Monk, and a Poisoner Rogue. I've been sharing the role of frontliner with the Monk and sharing the arcane caster role with the Bard. The Cleric is really just a band-aid and the Rogue isn't much more than a distraction with a little bit of damage so far. None of us are trying to powergame, be munchkins, or whatever you want to call it, but myself and the Bard are both proficient with the d20 system. The Cleric and the Rogue aren't strangers to d20, but in no way optimizers. The Monk falls in the same boat, but I think he's read some optimization threads for Qigong Monk because I don't believe he'd come up with the Vow of Silence/Vow of Poverty/Elemental Fist combo he's running on his own. Also, we're currently in Skulls & Shackles Book 1 (Smuggler's Shiv), but I think the GM plans on taking us into a more custom setting once we get off the island.

Anyways, hopefully I can get some enlightened responses and possibly even some good build suggestions. Thanks for your time.

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Enlightened responses? Well, I'll try to be the next best thing. Good build suggestions, I'll try. Okay, sure. You've got very good stats. Let's give 1-20 a shot feat-wise. I love the Magus (though I usually prefer Kensai and Bladebound) but this combination is extremely intriguing too. You got Shocking Grasp and Shield along with Color Spray and Enlarge, so you're set there. I guess your traits are set, which is kind of sad. We'll fix that with a level 1 feat.


1- Quarterstaff Master, Additional Traits(taking Magical Lineage for Shocking Grasp and another trait of choice, probably either Reactionary or Warrior of Old for +2 initiative) , spell combat
2- spellstrike
3- Arcana - arcane accuracy, feat Power Attack
4- slumber hex (replaces spell recall)
5- Weapon Focus (Quarterstaff), Extra Arcana ( Fortune hex )
6- Arcana - (Cackle hex)
7 - Intensify Spell, quarterstaff defense
8 -
9 - Arcana - (Misfortune hex), Extra Arcana (Empowered Magic)
10 - staff weapon
11 - Extra Arcana (accursed strike), Improved Critical (Quarterstaff)
12 - Arcana (Ice Tomb hex)
13 - Extra Arcana (Retribution hex)
15 - Arcana - (Quickened Magic), Spell Penetration
16 -
17 - Greater Spell Penetration, Empower Spell
18 - Arcana (Eternal Slumber hex)
19 - Extra Arcana (Dire Prophecy hex)
20 - true magus

This build gets you a ton of hexes, while still dabbling in the Intensified Shocking Grasp madness. Pearls of Power are your friend when you give up spell recall. Just be aware that the build I've presented utilizes the two cheesiest hexes in the game, Slumber and Ice Tomb, and your DM may or may not hate you for them. Just don't use Slumber EVERY FIGHT and you should be fine. It's still hellaciously useful though. Fortune and Misfortune are so good early and late. Ice Tomb, well, it just breaks things. Retribution is interesting since you're going to be in melee a lot.

For gear, you obviously want to invest in that quarterstaff. Getting defending onto it could be quite useful since your AC is going to be kind of low for a while. Other gear would be Celestial Armor, and Pearls of Power. Those things are just so good for you.

Anyways, this build is just something I came up with on the fly, use it as a starting point. I'm sure there are things that escape my grasp here. But anyways, good luck and happy hunting, will be following this thread!

Thank you for the reply! The build looks pretty good, and I see mainly what you're building towards. Lots of hexes to dominate melee. I do have a few questions though.

I had been assuming that using a low crit weapon negated the major benefit of Shocking Grasp shenanigans. Is this a false impression? And is Imp. Crit. really worth it, or is it just for the SG combo?

I have also seen a number of people claim that Cackle (and related hexes) were a waste of action economy for a Magus. Does the most recent FAQ on Spell Combat interact with this at all?

The rest of the build some really solid and fairly rounded. Some Power Attack to make the non Spell Combat rounds count and some Metamagics to make spellcasting more functional.

you might want to read this

Kyoni wrote:
you might want to read this

Yeah, I skimmed through it until I saw the Defiler. Tried to read it over, then realized it was broken as heck. Unless it's been updated in the past two weeks, it's still broken and doesn't take into account the most recent FAQ on Spell Combat among other inconsistencies. Also, all three builds are just variations on the Shocking Grasp and Frostbite combos that are already well known. Heck, the last build called The Melee Transmorgifist takes advantage of both.

I probably should have mentioned in the first post that I'm trying to avoid those two clichés.

Also, the original thread that spawned this Advice thread is found here. After work today, I'm going to try and put together a build based from Sunburn's suggestions. I'll post the results here and see what you guys think.

Cruel Kindness wrote:
I probably should have mentioned in the first post that I'm trying to avoid those two clichés.

Ahh :-) ok that explains it...

So what are you looking for? Or what is your idea aside from channeling spells through your weapon? what spells/elements/things do look forward to?

you could try any of the following combos:

Merciful Spell Metamagic feat with Enforcer feat and intimidate your enemies... (if your DM allows that combo, another dispute about RAW)

there are also these metamagic feats worth noting if you want some signature "element":
Burning Spell — Spell with the acid or fire descriptor deals extra damage the next round
Concussive Spell — Spell with the sonic descriptor gains a debilitating concussive effect
Flaring Spell — Spell with the fire, light, or electricity descriptor dazzles creatures it affects
Toppling Spell — Spell with the focre descriptor knocks targets prone (might want to try a maneuver-magus with a whip while you're at it? :-) )

If you are looking for an elven bladesinger idea from older elditions I'd rather suggest you look at the Arcane Duelist Bard Archetype... you still get to enchant your weapon but don't channel touch spells through your weapon... different spell list too.

Cruel Kindness wrote:
I probably should have mentioned in the first post that I'm trying to avoid those two clichés.

Argh. They're no more cliche`s than a fighter with a greatsword. *grimace*

Okay, back to your regularly scheduled advice thread. :p

trait rich parents just gets you 900 starting gold not 1200

Darkflame wrote:
trait rich parents just gets you 900 starting gold not 1200

Get The Cargo Through (Regional) adds 300 to your starting wealth. 900 (Parents) + 300 (Cargo) = 1200

I'm honestly not sure if cackle is bad action economy, honestly. It probably just depends on how many hexes you're extending with it. If it's more than one, I'd say using a move action to cackle is worth it. And, even if you're not getting shocking grasp to crit as much as say, a dedicated build with a 15-20 weapon, Improved Critical is the only way you'll ever increase the range on a quarterstaff, since it can't hold keen. It might be better to just take Weapon Specialization there instead, though. Get the most mileage out of that Quarterstaff Master feat.

Having shocking grasp in your arsenal with Intensify Spell in your first level slots is going to serve you well, when you need to nova something. Even if it won't crit but 1 out of every 25 times. Sure, it won't be maxed out like some builds would have it, but you'll be happy you have it, when you need it. It will make you a much more well rounded character, since you have much more control than a normal magus would already with the slumber, and later the ice tomb and eternal slumber hexes. If you don't want Cackle, you could bump Misfortune to 6th, Empowered to 9th, move Intensify to the 9th level feat, and take Weapon Specialization at 7th. Then replace Improved Critical if you want with something general like Lunge maybe.

@ Lord Pendragon - That is very true. But in Pathfinder it's a Falchion. :)

I actually managed to remember the password on this never used account. Just to answer you :-)

I am planning a Hexcrafter/Staff Magus combo too. So this thread has great interest for me. Sadly due to my studies and two of the players in my group having gotten a lille baby boy i do not have time to play my concept. ubt i´m planning for more than a year.

Magus is a class that apparently ( the internet tells me so) burst like hell with one meatbuild or be a frightening good controller with another one.
But for me it really shines in having options, even in this " cliché" builds.
I would not necessarily avoid mechanically good builds at all costs.
It´s the same with the ,feared by some GMs, Sleep Hex. It can be strong but why use it all the time. Boring. But really good to have if you need to coup de gracé this evil guy to power up your wyrood handled weapon something like this.

And in my mind your combo gives even more options. What i always liked ( in theory because of my no game situation)are a few of the following points. Maybe the help to inspirate you.

- staff magus opens up staves as rechargable magic items even with spells from other spell list ( just need to have a magus spell on it, oh the options...)
- makes you last even longer in an adventuring day because of easy staff use
- other longetivity sources are hexes (take sleep/ice tomb)and brand as acool source for spellcombat
- if you are a elf, or a half elf with ancestral arms you can still do the highcrit weapon (possibly with shocking grasp, just take the trait for it, it´s fun)routine.
- you can full gandalf style with magic stave for spellcombat (take wand wielder arcana) and rapier/longsword (from elf proficiencies) in the other hand for stabbing.
- i guess it will even look like magic force effect if you add your staves enhancement bonus too your AC with quarterstaff defense. that´s a winner because of rule of cool right there
- bonus points you if take a magic stave that counts as a magic 1+/1+ quarterstaff ( higher for you due to quarterstaff defense)and add the defending magic weapon property (thats +10 to AC if you wield the staff in combat)
- maybe get glove of storing for even more combat flexibility.
- flight hex for maneuvering
-hair hex for holding rods/wands
- and for 10foot reach, you have true strike and can use it for combat maneuvers with a +20 bonus without any feats and enemys cant AOO you because of the distance, many new combat options right there and no need to invest in tripping staff or whirling staff feats.
- flight and hair hex for the evil kung fu witcher look. refluff your rapier as a chinese jian and you are a BBEG straight out of a shaw brothers movie. impale or grapple people with your hair.
- there is some belt in i think ultimate combat that can get your strikes a garb attack, but i am not sure that this actaully work.
Found it anaconda-s-coils Get this and maybe you are allowed to take the grab feat by your gm, now take the hair hex and be really mean to people.( but i am still not really sure if it works, comments are appreciated)
- get the new flamboyant arcana and the other one that gets you your level as precision damage. now the flying kung fu witcher can actually fight, no more need for power attack.
- do not take evil eye. you want swift actions two 1. upgrade your weapon, 2. too use arcanas like arcane accuracy or other useful ones you might have. 3. for quickend spells if shit hits the fan.

That is mostly staffm/hecr. specific and gives you nive damage, longetivity and options, options, options ( sure, you just could shocking grasp the guy but why would you when you just got flame blade on your new stave and want to go jedi on him while hitting him on touch AC)

Also the normal magus fun stuff might prevent you from playing to the cliché too much:
- pull yourself to a bad guy with force hook or blade dash and poke him with whatever weapon you prefer.
- poke him again in the next round and use vanish before he retaliates, just because you can.
- cut him some more while he isn´t looking ( you are invisible, remember?) and then get rid of him with force push
- get a rod of daze and abuse the hell out of dazing aqueous orb or similar spells
- get a monkey familiar and and use aforementioned rod to give him a dazing burning gaze ( now that´s what i call evil eye).

So you have thousands of fun things to do. Just experiment, be creative, have fun. I would not worry about some feats/traits being overused because you have so much to do.
And i personally still want to take the metamagic trait/shockinggrasp/rapier combo for my palnned elf staffmagus/Hexcrafter. Because i can!

And if you do not like something you can swap out feats with retraining for a small fee. I personally recommend getting Craft Staff or Craft wondrous item to have enough spare money for retraining and nice items.

Also i would not go the agility to hit/dam, dervish dance route with your stats ( might come up as a recommendation in this thread). Just hit people hard or blast or curse them. You have between enough feats to choose, so do not waste them on this.

Hope i could help a bit, i really would like to play something like this right now. So you have to do it and tell about it later in this thread ;-)

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