Mythic Ranks: How are they applied?

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

As the title suggests, this post is about how you apply mythic ranks. I'm a little confused by that. I'm joining in a game in a couple weeks and was told that we were going to start at level 9, and should have a mythic rank. How is this done? Is it counted as a level on the character? The Mythic Adventurers book says that you have to have a source for your awesomeness, no problem. The character is going to be a cleric of Urgathoa, using the "Granted" form of ascension. It's also going to be a Hierophant, focusing on necromancy and minions. But where do I go from there? How is gaining a mythic rank handled? Is gaining a mythic rank just like taking a level in another class? That would mean, starting at 9th level, I'd be Cleric (Undead Lord) 8, Mythic (Hierophant) 1.

I'm probably just overlooking something stupidly obvious, but if someone could clarify this for me, it'd be great.

Scarab Sages

A mythic tier is entirely separate from levels, when it is applied you gain all of the benefits listed in Mythic Adventures, IIRC tier one is Mythic Surge, Hard to Kill, and 3 uses of mythic power a day

Its not really something you can figure out without the book. You should go over it all with your gm.

Create a 9th level cleric and then talk with your GM about the Mythic Adventure stuff.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

As everyone says, definitely talk to your GM, but the short answer appears to be that you'll be a Cleric 9 with Tier 1 (Heirophant).

Dark Archive

Mojorat wrote:
Its not really something you can figure out without the book. You should go over it all with your gm.

I do have the book. Picked it up from GenCon.

So mythic ranks are tracked separately from levels then. Gotcha. Thanks for the replies.

Sovereign Court

There's a small sidebar later in the book that basically says half your mythic ranks or mythic tiers (minimum 1) equals 1 character level for the purpose of determining things like CR and character wealth.

I think you get increases to your CR, but I'm not sure where it says you get more wealth.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It says that you get "rewards" based on your increased level. Higher level characters get more WBL.

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