Full use of a Defending weapon

Rules Questions

So I recently picked up a +1 defending weapon as a low-level character (lewt) Since I had previously been using a non-magical masterwork weapon of the same type, it was a strict upgrade. But I was wondering what happens to the weapon's to-hit if I transfer all the enhancement bonus to AC...

Does the weapon still get the masterwork weapon +1 to-hit bonus? (since all magic equipment is masterwork) Or does using the defending weapon enchantment to transfer all the enchantment bonus to AC cause the weapon to only have the to-hit of a low-quality mundane weapon?

I guess the real question is if a +1 weapon only gets +1 to-hit because the enchantment replaces the masterwork bonus, or if the +1 weapon only gets +1 to-hit because the enchantment doesn't stack with the masterwork bonus (they're both enhancement bonuses).

I'd say it keeps its masterwork bonus if you transfer all the enhancement bonus because they are, by definition, two separate animals. It's stated clearly that a magical masterwork weapon is still a masterwork weapon, just that the attack bonus from masterwork doesn't stack with the attack bonus from being magically enhanced.

What Kazaan said is correct: they are separate bonuses, they just happen to be the same type. A better question is what happens if you put all the enhancement bonus of a defending weapon into AC and then use that weapon to strike a target that has DR/magic. Chances are you're not getting through DR at that point.

An enhancement bonus is an enhancement bonus. A +1 weapon and a masterwork weapon both only provide a +1 enhancement bonus to hit, they dont stack and magic weapons arent listed as having a separate enhancement bonus from the masterwork bonus. You only have a +1 enhancement bonus, if you move it to AC you dont have it to attack

Um... no. They are separate bonuses from separate sources that just so happen so share the same bonus type. It'd be no different if you transferred the enhancement bonus to AC and then cast Magic Weapon on it.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

A defending weapon allows the wielder to transfer some or all of the weapon's enhancement bonus to his AC as a bonus that stacks with all others. As a free action, the wielder chooses how to allocate the weapon's enhancement bonus at the start of his turn before using the weapon, and the bonus to AC lasts until his next turn. This ability can only be placed on melee weapons.

It makes no differentiation between WHERE the enhancement bonus comes from, if it is magical or if it is intrinsic, or if it comes from a spell.

If you transfer the enhancement bonus to AC, you transfer any or all of it, magical and non-magical. The above makes no exceptions and is all-inclusive.

However, it would still be a magical weapon, even if the bonus is now giving you AC, so you'd still punch DR/Magic. However, if you are using the Enhancement bonus to sub for silver, adamantine or aligned weapons, you would lose those benefits if you reduce the bonus down too low.

Placing GMW or MW on the weapon will not help you. They grant enhancement bonuses, and will also be swept up into Defender's power. So you can't pop a +3 GMW onto a +3 Defender, and put one +3 into AC and leave the +3 from the spell for attack and defense. Once the spell is cast, it directly changes the weapon's enhancement bonus, and it all gets swept up into Defender.

The exception to this rule is for Shields and Shield Mastery. Because a Shield Master uses a Shields ARMOR bonus for attack/defense, you can use it's weapon bonus as Defender and not affect the attack/defense modifier.

This is the reason behind an Uber Shield: +5 spiked Bashing Shield, +5 Defender. Grants at least +11 to AC, and is still a +5 weapon.


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