Shadow Subschool: Effects of Binding Darkness

Rules Questions

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
prd wrote:
Binding Darkness (Sp): As a standard action, you cast a weave of shadows at any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The shadows entangle your foe for 1 round plus 1 additional round for every five wizard levels you possess. In conditions of bright light, this duration is halved (minimum 1 round). A creature entangled by your shadows has concealment from those without darkvision or the ability to see in darkness, and other creatures likewise have concealment relative to it. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

Just seeking confirmation, the bold is my emphasis, the Shadow Subschool Binding Darkness, both grants your foe concealment and the entangled condition?

Yes, although for members in your party with darkvision, the concealment the enemy gets doesn't apply to them.

PRD wrote:
Entangled: The character is ensnared. Being entangled impedes movement, but does not entirely prevent it unless the bonds are anchored to an immobile object or tethered by an opposing force. An entangled creature moves at half speed, cannot run or charge, and takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and a –4 penalty to Dexterity. An entangled character who attempts to cast a spell must make a concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) or lose the spell.

My question is does this count as being anchored to the floor, wall, etc. if the creature targeted is in contact with some kind of solid surface. Like a tanglefoot bag made of shadows.

Shadow Lodge

Wraithcannon wrote:
PRD wrote:
Entangled: The character is ensnared. Being entangled impedes movement, but does not entirely prevent it unless the bonds are anchored to an immobile object or tethered by an opposing force. An entangled creature moves at half speed, cannot run or charge, and takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and a –4 penalty to Dexterity. An entangled character who attempts to cast a spell must make a concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) or lose the spell.
My question is does this count as being anchored to the floor, wall, etc. if the creature targeted is in contact with some kind of solid surface. Like a tanglefoot bag made of shadows.

Unlikely. There's no mention of it in the text. Generally it's pretty explicit.

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