Useful items to buy that you can't use yourself...

Pathfinder Society

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Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

Yiroep wrote:
Mike Lindner wrote:
For those who like communal resist energy, may I suggest a riffle scroll of communal resist energy. This bumps the minimum caster level up to 7, which means resistance of 20 instead of 10, plus it lasts longer and requires no verbal components.
Huh, I wasn't aware of that. Would also be good for scrolls of suppress charms and compulsions, where you would be able to affect 2 targets instead of 1.

My Magaamban Arcanist does this with a few spells (nothing like a few summon spells, buffs) to help out. Add in +1 CL from Cypher Magic and you get a bit more 'Umph' as well.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Yiroep wrote:
Mike Lindner wrote:
For those who like communal resist energy, may I suggest a riffle scroll of communal resist energy. This bumps the minimum caster level up to 7, which means resistance of 20 instead of 10, plus it lasts longer and requires no verbal components.
Huh, I wasn't aware of that. Would also be good for scrolls of suppress charms and compulsions, where you would be able to affect 2 targets instead of 1.

Riffles have a built in Silent Spell - however, that makes the spell level higher too so instead of 375 it would be 700, correct?

A communal still requires you to touch all the sharing people -

Grand Lodge 4/5

From the Additional Resources: riffle scrolls (any spell augmented by the Silent Spell metamagic feat; price equals the spell's effective level x the caster's level x 25 gp)

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Unfortunately, you can't put scrolls in wrist sheaths. I used to do that until I went to my first convention, and the GM pointed out that the only items you could use are a wand, a dagger, a dart, 5 arrows, or a pound of other ammunition.

I've seen some GMs hand wave it, though. YMMV.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Actually, it says "The sheath can hold one forearmlength item, such as..." Are you really arguing that it can hold 6 arrows, but not a rolled up piece of parchment that is effectively weightless?

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

As Mike Brock himself has said, in cases of "such as" in Society, you go with what is listed, not whatever you can think up.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It can hold one forearm length item. I refuse to believe that listing one or more examples invalidates all other possible options. M&M also say they want their GMs to use common sense.

Arrows start at 20in and are usually 26-30in long. I'm 6'3" and my forearm is 11" long. Try again, RAW


FrankManic wrote:
Arrows start at 20in and are usually 26-30in long. I'm 6'3" and my forearm is 11" long. Try again, RAW

HEY! in golaria people are shaped differently. You short armed mongaloid.

Sczarni 4/5

One of neat tricks at low levels is to ask everyone to chip in some gold for single Elixir of Vision. Given to right character, either tank or rogue-like scout, they can simply take 10 and detect every trap in the dungeon during 1 hour.

Potion of Jump is good to hand out someone to pass otherwise impassable terrain for him (high armored users) or it might benefit you during long carrier since +10 on Jump checks is always good.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Mystic Lemur wrote:
Actually, it says "The sheath can hold one forearmlength item, such as..." Are you really arguing that it can hold 6 arrows, but not a rolled up piece of parchment that is effectively weightless?

The real question is whether a rolled up scroll is solid enough to be shot out of it by the spring, or if the spring mechanism will just crumple the paper. It'll clearly fit inside the sheathe, but many GMs rule that it just won't come out as a swift action.

Thus, a spell tattoo of Breath of Life on the back of your hand is more reliable, and faster, since it doesn't even take a swift action to access. Of course, that costs 4 times as much as a normal scroll, so it's pretty expensive at level 8-9, but by the time you hit the retirement arc at 12, there's no excuse for any cleric or oracle not to have it, if they don't have the spell prepared/known.

But yeah, as FrankManic pointed out, arrows in a wrist sheathe are just a total fail on Paizo's part. They're way too long to fit. That one would be an errata waiting to happen, if Paizo management understood what the word "errata" actually means (one of my few complaints about this company).


I've never had a GM say I couldn't do it, but then again I've never tried it. This is why I'm learning Breath of Life first thing when I hit 10 on my oracles.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Nefreet wrote:
As Mike Brock himself has said, in cases of "such as" in Society, you go with what is listed, not whatever you can think up.

Citation? I've been under the impression that I should be treating cases of "[description], such as XYZ" differently from cases of "XYZ, and also other things (subject to GM discretion)". If that's not the case, I'd like to add Mike's commentary to my library to reference in the future, and start correcting how I run things.


Wand of Feather Step
10 minutes, no difficult terrain for 15 g.p. (1st level Dr/Ra)

Scroll of Calm Emotions (on their Barbs, not just your confused ones)
Almost bought one for the Cleric last mission, and it would have totally changed the battle. Doh.

Scroll of (insert most utility spells). There are so many rare but dangerous circumstances shut down by one simple spell (usually a Cleric spell) that I expect to carry several later on.
Water Breathing, Communal Air Walk, Life Bubble, Daylight, Communal Resist (though most should carry that), Freedom of Movement, Wall of Stone, Disintegrate (for barriers), Rope Trick, Invisibility, Gust of Wind, Knock, many divination spells, etc.

Scrolls can be sturdier than papyrus, according to their description, so the sheathe works according to most GMs as per a very long post in the Rules section a few years back.
AFAIK, there's been no PFS ruling.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Jiggy wrote:
Nefreet wrote:
As Mike Brock himself has said, in cases of "such as" in Society, you go with what is listed, not whatever you can think up.
Citation? I've been under the impression that I should be treating cases of "[description], such as XYZ" differently from cases of "XYZ, and also other things (subject to GM discretion)". If that's not the case, I'd like to add Mike's commentary to my library to reference in the future, and start correcting how I run things.

Ever since THIS thread I only go with the examples given, which means no scrolls in wrist sheaths.

Dark Archive 4/5

That's fine, then. I guess I'll start doing it too, since it's official and all.

And when my players tell me I'm being unreasonable, maybe I'll even take the time to point out to them how the description allows you to carry multiple 2.5'-3' long objects, but just happened not to mention a scroll. They'll especially love it when I point out that you can carry two large, round, sling bullets (1 pound of ammo). That'll show 'em unreasonable!

I'm glad to see RAW wins yet another battle against common sense. (-_-)

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