
Mystic Lemure's page

9 posts. Alias of Mystic Lemur.


Dark Archive

Granted. You have the job you currently want, and are stuck in it forever, and never promoted.

I wish the whole thing.

Dark Archive

The Fiend Fantastic is banned for projecting his mommy issues.

Dark Archive 4/5

Michael Eshleman wrote:
There, I fixed it for you. ;-)

The below would have been fine. The only problem was the hanging preposition.

Jeff Merola wrote:
It's in Additional Resources under Ultimate Combat. Instead of Gunsmithing letting you craft ammo cheaper, it lets you buy the ammo for the price you'd normally craft it.

Dark Archive 4/5

David Haller wrote:
No, not "optimize", but it IS necessary to be "well-built". You need to actually be able to pull your own weight.

Best case scenario they all died. Then someone explained to them why they died. Then they go on to make better characters.

Otherwise, you just sent them on to drag down the next table they play at.

Dark Archive 4/5

That's fine, then. I guess I'll start doing it too, since it's official and all.

And when my players tell me I'm being unreasonable, maybe I'll even take the time to point out to them how the description allows you to carry multiple 2.5'-3' long objects, but just happened not to mention a scroll. They'll especially love it when I point out that you can carry two large, round, sling bullets (1 pound of ammo). That'll show 'em unreasonable!

I'm glad to see RAW wins yet another battle against common sense. (-_-)

Dark Archive 4/5

Cold Napalm wrote:
If the changes were to normalize wealth, then they messed up royally on that too. Like i said, if that was the goal, the method they should have used is you get X gold at Y level...and if that was the goal, I would be actually okay with that change.

And then people would be complaining that they're facing greater risk for the same reward when forced by APL to play up. Oh, wait...

Dark Archive 4/5

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Thurston Hillman wrote:
I am sorry the demons killed your paladin.

I'm not. I don't know who told you it was going to be easy, but they lied to you. At least you got to play it. I'm sure if I had been there, I would have been one of the GMs and you bet your butt I would have remembered to power attack. Death is part of the game, and it can even be a fun part if you let it.

Dark Archive 4/5

Cold Napalm wrote:
I play up with pre-gens just fine. level 7 pre-gens in a 10-11 is fun. Then again I have been told I am crazy....

I hate to break this too you, but if you are regularly surviving high tier games in Season 3 and 4 playing up, especially using pregens, the only reason you haven't had a character die is GM incompetence or GM mercy. Neither of which should be tolerated at a high tier table. The gloves have to come off at some point.