Damphir favored class bonus makes no sense

Rules Questions

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The Cleric favored class bonus for Damphir is that they gain +1 caster level for channeling feats that affect undead.

There are no Channeling feats that are affected by caster level.

Can anyone make sense of this?

Shadow Lodge

I would imagine it means cleric level. Therfore, a 1st level cleric with turn undead and this favored class bonus would have a DC+1 because 1/2 his level would be 1 as opposed to 0.

He could also control more undead. As you are limited by your cleric level towards the HD of undead you command.

This is an extremely powerfull favored class bonus.

Finlanderboy wrote:

He could also control more undead. As you are limited by your cleric level towards the HD of undead you command.

This is an extremely powerfull favored class bonus.

This. A 10th level dhampir Cleric who took this favored bonus could command 20 HD worth of undead using the Command Undead feat (24 if he's gotten to Undead Master), whereas 'necromancer' Clerics of other races would only have half that amount.

It's only useful if you're building an undead horde, but to that end it's incredibly potent.

Xaratherus wrote:
Finlanderboy wrote:

He could also control more undead. As you are limited by your cleric level towards the HD of undead you command.

This is an extremely powerfull favored class bonus.

This. A 10th level dhampir Cleric who took this favored bonus could command 20 HD worth of undead using the Command Undead feat (24 if he's gotten to Undead Master), whereas 'necromancer' Clerics of other races would only have half that amount.

It's only useful if you're building an undead horde, but to that end it's incredibly potent.

Right but that assumes the favored class bonus is +1 cleric level.

However, it says +1 caster level. Which according to all the posts here seems to be a mistake.

I was just wondering if there is anyway that +1 caster level makes any sense to anyone. Which seems like a no.


It does make sense, though - when the term 'caster level' is used in relation to a specific class, it implies a level in that specific casting class, or '[class] caster level'.

"Magic - Caster Level wrote:
A spell's power often depends on its caster level, which for most spellcasting characters is equal to her class level in the class she's using to cast the spell.

With that in mind, what the favored class bonus essentially says is, "Cleric: Add +1 to the [Cleric] caster level of any channeling feat used to affect undead."

Finlanderboy wrote:

He could also control more undead. As you are limited by your cleric level towards the HD of undead you command.

This is an extremely powerful favored class bonus.

Holy balls, I MISSED THAT.

I've been building an Oracle/Agent of the Grave for Way of the Wicked and was torn between Human and Dhampir, but eventually decided Human was better because more spells.

But this makes it harder to pick.


Rynjin wrote:
Finlanderboy wrote:

He could also control more undead. As you are limited by your cleric level towards the HD of undead you command.

This is an extremely powerful favored class bonus.

Holy balls, I MISSED THAT.

I've been building an Oracle/Agent of the Grave for Way of the Wicked and was torn between Human and Dhampir, but eventually decided Human was better because more spells.

But this makes it harder to pick.



Just because stupid amounts of Undead is always an awesome way to go.

Yeah, but Oracles get so few spells. =/

Unless I dun goofed on my math, currently (non-Dhampir) I should be able to COMMAND 84 HD worth of undead, and CREATE 32 with one casting of Animate Dead (64 with Desecrate. Lucky me...the home base has a permanent Desecrate effect on it. ^_^) at level 8 (Oracle 6/Agent of the Grave 2).

I wonder if that's "enough" now...

Rynjin wrote:
Yeah, but Oracles get so few spells. =/

Think how those poor sorcerers must feel, having set-in-stone bloodline abilities, less class skills from their bloodline as opposed to Mystery skills, getting bloodline spells a level later than oracles get Mystery spells, less spells known, and an inability to wear armor or use shields! XD

I dunno, I feel it hurts a lot less as a Sorcerer (my favorite caster). Arcane spells always seem so much more versatile to me, but I couldn't pass up the chance to make a Voodoo Shaman Necromancer guy.

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