Mister Fluffykins |
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So, out of all the people who've started to run this, how many others have already had some (whether intentional or not) whacky stuff happen? Post yours below (with spoilers, out of respect for people who haven't gotten to play around with this stuff so far).
Horgus proceeded to roll four critical hits with his rockthrowing. In a row. I mean, that's still only 2-4 damage, but the sheer luck of it impressed the players enough to give him an actual weapon.
Unfortunately his luck didn't keep up, and after accidentally beaning a player in the back of the head with a rock, almost splitting the group apart by arguing with Anevia, and then delivering several disparaging comments to the "molepeople", the players were pretty sick of him again.
Sick enough that when it came Horgus' turn to jump over the 10' chasm blocking their path on the way to Neathholm (after seeing the four players jump the gap easily, Horgus was convinced he could top these plebes without breaking a sweat) several of the PCs stated (out of character) that they hoped he failed his check.
Unfortunately for them, he rolled a natural 20. The Oread Ranger shed a single stony tear at the glory of Horgus' paunchy middle-aged self launching himself gracefully over the pit.
Horgus Gwerm. Kenabres Longjump Champion, 4713.

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I have had 3 sessions so far. Some of the issue is what my players say. Like Session two was full of innuendos. The funniest one in that session was int the Traitors area.
The paladin does detect evil and of course the pair come up as evil. So she charges them. She gets lucky and almost downs Hosilla in one hit. Almost, but not quite. So the Battle Oracle charges in next and attacks Hosilla as well.
Uziel moved into flank with Hosilla on the oracle. Dropped him with one blow. Then the paladin after taking more damge drops Hosilla. She then drops to the paladin.
Then the Druid and Sorcerer move up to flank the tiefling. Anevia trained her bow on him so she could drop him if there was too much of an issue. Then we spent five minutes of me rolling openly. All three us preceeded to continually miss until the kobold finally struck and struck hard enough to drop Uziel.
Session 3 was just last night. It was a random encounter of 2 tiefling looters. One came up evil so they were attacked. I rolled and both were oblivious. One was oblivious to his partner being killed. The tiefling sorceress used mage hand to slap the tiefling.
I had him react by profusely apologizing for accidentally grabbing the "invisible" woman in an inappropriate place. So the Half-Orc inquisitor of Torag offered the man redemption. The tiefling asked what happened to his friend and the inquisitor, Davor, expalined his friend was irredeemable. He made a successful diplomacy check so the tiefling shrugged it off.
The tiefling then decided to try and get a night out with the sorceress, Mediea, who promptly use mage hand once more to slap him. He asked who he was offending so the druid raised his hand and was annoyed when the tiefling said "Kobolds don't count for this."
The tiefling then decided to mention how cute the inquisitor was. It was met with "Find an inn that is still open and safe. Then come get us. Buy Medeia and I a drink."
The tiefling asked if he should rent a room as well and the inquisitor said he should go ahead and rent a room for them. The tiefling went off to find a nice safe place and the party now wants the tiefling to be a heavily recurring character.

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First fight Paladin charges beast crit miss followed by an acrobat skill fail Paladin slips and falls in decomposing awful. Barbarian cahrges next failed both rolls falls on top of Paladin. The beasties then proced to vomit on the both of them. It was a little more then 3 days until the barbarian finally washed it off.

Aleron |
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Have had one good one so far... (I think at least!)
So the party mistepped early on (in the first scene) when the paladin snapped and intimidated Horgus into shutting his mouth. By the book, he starts to talk to the other NPCs and look at going his own way soon as he can.
...and I would have followed that were it not for the Summoner who approached Horgus shortly after. Long story short, he ended up offering Horgus the option to get carried around by his eidolon (princess style so his nice noble clothes and shoes wouldn't get dusty).
Hence Princess Horgus didn't have to walk more than a handful of steps when combat popped up (and said eidolon was needed) and decided to stay with the group. They have just emerged into the city and the only walking Horgus has done throughout was during a handful of combats while the party was busy.
For those wondering, the paladin actually helped Anevia at several instances to avoid being slowed down and when she wasn't able to do so without injuring or hurting herself as well.