Quarterstaff Questions

Pathfinder Society

Shadow Lodge *

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I have a whole bunch of Quarterstaff-related questions, for a character who is a multi-classed Staff Magus/Monk.

1) A Quarterstaff is a double weapon, and each side of the weapon must be enchanted separately. In PFS can I choose to pay for enchantments exclusively on one side of the weapon, or do I have to maintain some sort of parity between the two?

2) While wielding a Quarterstaff one-handed (per Quarterstaff Mastery) and using Flurry of Blows, I can choose to make all my strikes with the one side of the Quarterstaff I designated as wielded at the beginning of the round, all strikes with my empty hand, or any combination of those, correct?

3) If I put weapon blanche on one side of a Quarterstaff, but never actually strike with that side during the scenario, does it carry over to the next scenario?

4) Staff Magi eventually get an ability where they can use Staves as enchanted Quarterstaffs with the bonus based on the Caster Level of the Staff. In PFS, is it possible to buy a Staff with a higher caster level than what is listed in the entry in Ultimate Equipment, and if so how much does that cost?

5) I'm unfamiliar with the rewards in Chronicle sheets above the first several subtiers. Is it feasible to try and save up 81k gold for a really nice staff? Or would that really take something like 20 scenarios without spending anything?

5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Massachusetts—Central & West

1) Yes.

2) Yes. (FAQ HERE)

3) Yes. (FAQ HERE)

4) No, as that falls under PFS' custom crafting umbrella. However, you still get your Arcane Pool, so you can use that to pump up your staff even more.

5) 81K is a lot to spend on one purchase in PFS. By Wealth-By-Level guidelines, you should have a total wealth around 82k at level 11, so you probably wouldn't be able to comfortably get 81k to blow just on a staff until maybe level 12 or 13 depending on your spending habits. You would probably be able to afford a 40k staff around level 10 if you were frugal.

I wouldn't wait that long for any one item.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

David Montgomery wrote:

1) Yes.

Um... Question one was not a yes or no question, it was an A or B? question. So is that "yes, A." or "yes, B."

5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Massachusetts—Central & West

FLite wrote:
David Montgomery wrote:

1) Yes.

Um... Question one was not a yes or no question, it was an A or B? question. So is that "yes, A." or "yes, B."

Hrm. Either I didn't read it carefully (which I admit happens a lot and may be the case) or the question was edited during/after my response. It is A, you do not need to upgrade the sides evenly. Each side is treated as a separate weapon.

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