spalding |

What do you want from it?
Depending on the method it can make for a more beefy caster, or a good end to a dragon disciple. It can work just fine for a cast steel can (full plated wizard with a tower shield) if you are willing to take still spell.
Another option:
Magus 4/Alchemist(vivisectionist) 3/Arcane Trickster 10/Eldritch Knight 3
Magus 4/Alchemist(vivisectionist) 1/Assassin 1/Arcane Trickster 10/Eldritch Knight 5
The first gives 6th level magus casting, +13 BAB, 7d6 sneak attack, a couple of neat perks from alchemist.
The second gives much the same thing but with a death attack based on your best attribute too.

mplindustries |

Hm... I would want that second level of Sohei myself for the always act in the surprise round (and extra bonus feat/saves/etc). But that's just my thoughts.
I still think Spells > literally every possible thing that isn't also spells (or abilities that mimic spells), so although nice, I don't think it's worth losing another caster level.

spalding |

Abraham spalding wrote:Hm... I would want that second level of Sohei myself for the always act in the surprise round (and extra bonus feat/saves/etc). But that's just my thoughts.I still think Spells > literally every possible thing that isn't also spells (or abilities that mimic spells), so although nice, I don't think it's worth losing another caster level.
Understandable, it comes down to the player and what he wants from the build. Personally at that point I can live with the caster level and spell loss for the extra save throw, skill points, feat, surprise round action, and other goodies...
But I can understand why someone would NOT want to have to do so.

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Why choose? Take a level or 2 of magus as an aasimar (or other race with 3rd level SLA) and then 10 levels of EK, then the rest levels of magus. You get full BAB (one of the Magus's downside), more bonus feats I believe, and spell critical. Really nice ability if combined with crit focus and other abilities.

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

i really like the sohei route...
start with standard Aasimar
1: sohei 1
2: eldritch knight 1
3: wildblooded sorcerer [empyreal]
4-12: eldritch knight 2-10
you lose 1 spell level but its a pretty flexible base for a character. you get a lot of mileage for your wisdom so you'll have some leeway in how you spend the rest of your points, and depending on spell selection and feats (and to a lesser extent skills) you could make a blaster that's way tougher than most (who's money with those ranged touch attacks, and not worried about getting into melee for regular touch attacks), or you could make a self buffer that's solid in melee, or even a skill monkey (may not have the quantity of skills many classes could, but can be really good at a a handful of skills, especially when augmenting them with spells).

DonDuckie |

I always recommend that you do it if you want to, and I love the EK/gish types.
Elf gunslinger 1/wizard 5/EK+ could be fun, guns 'n' lightning bolt, maybe even try the spellslinger, even if it's not optimal.
If you don't mind casting divine, then cleric/holy vindicator will bring you to 9th level spells, four attacks and full channeling. No arcane spell failure.

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Has the been an official ruling that spell-like abilities count as spellcasting prerequisite for prestige classes?
Seems rather absurd to me, yet several suggest it here.
See here.

HaraldKlak |

See here.
Thank you.
I'm not sure I agree with the ruling. But I can't see extremely abusive combos. A rather useful one on top of my mind is Drow (with improved nobility) going into Mystic Theurge at lvl 4.

soupturtle |
I'd say the best Eldritch Knight is probably the Eldritch Archer. 1 Guide Trapper Ranger (just look at all the stuff you get instead of a single fighter bonus feat!) / 5 Transmuter Wizard / 10 Eldritch Knight. You can mix in some Arcane Archer levels around level 13 (when you get antimagic field on your spell list) if you want.
If you're looking for a classic 'sword in one hand, spell in the other' type of build, magus is probably better. Although with the new ruling on spell-like abilities, an Eldritch Knight does become a more serious option, I think. I'd go 1 Trapper Guide Ranger / 1 Draconic Sorcerer / 3 Eldritch Knight / 4 Dragon Disciple / 7 Eldritch Knight.
I also made a character once with the aim to get the greatest possible value out of the Monstrous Physique line of spells. I ended up with this:
Human 1 unarmed fighter / 5 transmuter wizard / 3 eldritch knight / 1 master of many styles monk / 7 eldritch knight / 3 wizard
1. power attack, toughness (human), improved unarmed strike (fighter), dragon style (fighter)
2. scribe scroll (wizard)
3. arcane armor training
5. arcane strike
6. craft wondrous item (wizard)
7. weapon focus claws, feral combat training claws (eldritch knight)
9. dimensional agility
10. stunning fist (monk), dragon ferocity (monk)
11. dimensional assault
12. martial versatility: feral combat training (eldritch knight)
13. dimensional dervish
The somewhat oddly placed monk level is there because it seemed like the least painful way to get dragon ferocity. And by that time, the character already has access to Monstrous Physique 2 st least 3 times a day, at which point it doesn't urgently need more spellcasting power.

Durinor |
My GM scoffed mightily at the spell-like ability ruling, but before my hopes were crushed I was thinking about a Ranger 1/Diviner 1 (for Clairvoyance)/Eldritch Knight 10.
I was considering spending my 1st, 5th and 7th level feats on Nature Soul, Animal Ally and Boon Companion to have a level-par animal companion by 7th level.
II'm still looking at something similar followuing the more traditional route. For what it's worth here's my rough build:
Str: 18 (10)
Dex: 12 (2)
Con: 12 (2)
Int: 16 (10)
Wis: 10 (0)
Cha: 7 (-4)
1: Ranger 1 (Power Attack, Nature Soul)
2: Wizard 1 (Scribe Scroll)
3: Wizard 2 (Arcane Strike)
4: Wizard 3
5: Wizard 4 (Animal Ally)
6: Wizard 5 (Craft Wondrous Items)
7: Eldritch Knight 1 (Weapon Focus, Boon Companion)
8: Eldritch Knight 2
9: Eldritch Knight 3 (?)
10: Eldritch Knight 4
11: Eldritch Knight 5 (Weapon Specialisation, Improved Critical)
12: Eldritch Knight 6
13: Eldritch Knight 7 (Critical Focus)
14: Eldritch Knight 8
15: Eldritch Knight 9 (Bleeding Critical/Greater Weapon Focus)
16: Eldritch Knight 10