Nargrakhan |

My Search-Fu is weak, and I'm hoping someone could give me the answer to this question, or perhaps link me to it...
Let's say I have a Sorcerer with the Crossblooded and Wildblooded archetypes. I select Pit-Touched bloodline and Abyssal bloodline at character creation. I then pickup the Eldritch Heritage feat later on.
The feat description says: "This bloodline cannot be a bloodline you already have."
Does that mean I can't pick the Infernal bloodline, because I have the mutated version (Pit-Touched) of it already? Can I take Infernal in this example, or can I not take Infernal?

CalethosVB |

You cannot because you already have the Infernal bloodline (albeit an alteration of the bloodline). Think of it like this: You can select Tiefling as a character option at creation. You can then select the Fiendish Heritage feat or the options presented by it without the feat (I go for this option for whoever wants it in my games). Just because your stats change, your SLAs change, your 2 skills change, you're still a Tiefling.
Also, Crossblooded and Wildblooded are not legal to take together because they both alter the Bloodline class features. Unless your DM says otherwise, in which case, cool.