Maximizing Bard Utility


I have a couple of questions regarding some bard abilities that I'm not getting much utility out of, and was wondering what should be done.

1) Versatile Performance: I've taken Keyboard, Sing, and Dance, covering Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Fly, Intimidate, and Sense Motive (which is awesome, because WIS is my dump stat). In 2 levels, I'll get another skill to choose from, which means I can take Percussion/Wind for Handle Animal or Act for Disguise, neither of which I need nor use. What alternatives, if any, possess additional utility?
2) Fascinate/Suggestion: I've only been able to use this once, outside of combat. Only possible thing I can think of coming up in the future is that he's going to face a trial, but I can't think of much more where it would be useful.
3) Deadly Performance: We're 10 levels away from it, but the GM has ruled that all death effects are subject to corruption checks (some ravenloft convention), which is anathema to the character. I've seen 4 archetypes that replace it, but all of them basically require a complete character rewrite.

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