It's the Year of the Demon! What are some of the best Demon slayer options out there?



PFS build rules, looking to build a bad ass demon slayer.

I really like the flavour that Hellknights offer and I'm considering Paladin onto Hellknight. How would you build a Hellknight? If there are other options out there, I'm open to them!

I have a boon that opens up Nagaji, Wayang and Kitsune, if that affects anything.

If you're looking at paladin into hellknight, the str/cha tiefling or aasimar (the tiefling fvc bonus for paladin is sweet) is a fantastic build. Nagaji isn't a bad choice either, str/cha is what they need.

Inquisitors are awesome, with the bane ability on a +1 Holy Repeating Crossbow... they'll pretty much burn through DR and roll up.

I have a ranger/inquisitor Archer and a monk/inquisitor that I'm leveling in preparation for this season myself.

I know paladins rock, I just can't play one.

Liberty's Edge

For rangers, a favoured enemy of 'Outsider (evil)' seems like an easy choice.

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