Nylanfs |

he PCGen team is pleased to announce the release of PCGen 6.01.05 Alpha.
In this release the PCGen Team has made a number of changes including the improvement of PCGen's support for Paizo's Pathfinder Society and adding Paizo's Advanced Race Guide and Dreamscarred Press' Psionics Expanded to the alpha release. Additionally, a number of under-the-hood changes have been made that will impact our homebrew community as we reorganize our data folder. These changes will improve the long term maintainability for our ever growing library of data sets. For the full detail on these and all other changes made in this alpha release, check out the the full release notes here:
http://sourceforge.net/projects/pcgen/files/PCGen%20Unstable/6.01.05%20Alph a/pcgen-release-notes-60105.html/download
This release is an alpha release from the PCGen development branch to allow experimentation and testing of our latest work. Please give it a shot and let us know how it works for you. Bug reports are welcome and can be submitted at on this list.
PCGen is a RPG character generator and maintenance program (d20 systems). All datafiles are ASCII so they can be modified by users for their own campaigns. Please join us at http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/pcgen/ or visit our website here, http://pcgen.org, and our wiki here, http://wiki.pcgen.org/Main_Page.
PCGen Public Relations Team

Oisin |

I had some questions that are stumping me a bit. I'm using 6.01.05.
1. I have an Aasimar Bard that took Bard as the favored class, but I can't see the favored class ability for bards in the list (Bard: Choose one bardic performance; treat the bard as +1/2 level higher when determining the effects of that performance.) Am I just missing it, or was that not added for some reason? If so, I understand why, I can imagine that being a pain to code. The rule itself is a little twitchy making.
2. I know Drawbacks are not in the system yet, and that's fine. Can I just make a negative trait, and assign a negative to a skill, for instance, and then adjust the total number of traits that character gets? Say, 4, instead of 2, and just manually insure one of the traits is actually a drawback? If so, how would I change the number of traits available? It doesn't seem to allow me to manually edit that field, and I didn't see any way to houserule it.
3. The Friend in Every Town trait seems to be missing (Friend in Every Town: You have no problem making friends and learning information from them wherever you go. You gain a +1 trait bonus on all Knowledge (local) checks and Diplomacy checks. One of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.) Since that seems like a standard trait, I assume that it's in a book that hasn't been done yet, but I've only seen it on the PRD, so I'm not sure which book it's from. Is it just not done yet, or did it get missed?

Distant Scholar |

1. & 3. According to d20pfsrd.com, the Aasimar Bard favored class is from the Advanced Race Guide, and Friend in Every Town is from Ultimate Campaign. I believe the ARG is almost done, but not quite yet. I'm not sure of the status of Ultimate Campaign.
2. To change the number of traits, you should go to the Traits sub-tab, double-click on the "Remaining" number in the bottom left panel, and edit the number. That should change the number of traits you can choose.
I had some questions that are stumping me a bit. I'm using 6.01.05.
1. I have an Aasimar Bard that took Bard as the favored class, but I can't see the favored class ability for bards in the list (Bard: Choose one bardic performance; treat the bard as +1/2 level higher when determining the effects of that performance.) Am I just missing it, or was that not added for some reason? If so, I understand why, I can imagine that being a pain to code. The rule itself is a little twitchy making.
2. I know Drawbacks are not in the system yet, and that's fine. Can I just make a negative trait, and assign a negative to a skill, for instance, and then adjust the total number of traits that character gets? Say, 4, instead of 2, and just manually insure one of the traits is actually a drawback? If so, how would I change the number of traits available? It doesn't seem to allow me to manually edit that field, and I didn't see any way to houserule it.
3. The Friend in Every Town trait seems to be missing (Friend in Every Town: You have no problem making friends and learning information from them wherever you go. You gain a +1 trait bonus on all Knowledge (local) checks and Diplomacy checks. One of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.) Since that seems like a standard trait, I assume that it's in a book that hasn't been done yet, but I've only seen it on the PRD, so I'm not sure which book it's from. Is it just not done yet, or did it get missed?

Changing Man |
2. To change the number of traits, you should go to the Traits sub-tab, double-click on the "Remaining" number in the bottom left panel, and edit the number. That should change the number of traits you can choose.
Wait a sec - can you use that to "fudge" houserules? like enter "cheatmode" or something? Does it work for languages, too? (especially since you can add more languages than usual, by using the "retraining" rules).

Distant Scholar |

Distant Scholar wrote:2. To change the number of traits, you should go to the Traits sub-tab, double-click on the "Remaining" number in the bottom left panel, and edit the number. That should change the number of traits you can choose.Wait a sec - can you use that to "fudge" houserules? like enter "cheatmode" or something? Does it work for languages, too? (especially since you can add more languages than usual, by using the "retraining" rules).
Unless the ability pool is set up to not allow it, it should work with anything in the Abilities tab. I haven't tried it with languages (or spells, or ...).

Oisin |

Oh, the REMAINING number. I'm a dolt, and was trying to click on the total and change that. It's all good now.
As for the rest, I can just add them in, except for the bard favored class thing, since I have no idea how to code that. Thanks!
Oh, as a note, I just switched to the Alpha from 6.01, and it IS running significantly faster. Thanks for a great program!