Ways to Add Spells to your Spell List


I was looking at trying to get a level 4 Summoner spell (Magic Jar) onto the Antipaladin spell list and I'm stuck.

Eldritch Heritage (Arcane) adds from the Sorcerer Wizard spell list.
Samsaran (Mystic Past Life) can't mix arcane and divine
Unsanctioned Knowledge (Feat) has the wrong lists even if you could blag the Paladin casting preq.

Prestige classing or multiclassing is going to mess with the antipaladin progression too much (specifically the cruelties and Fiendish Boon.)

So apart from bribing the DM with cake (we're non-society) is there any other ways to get Magic Jar onto the list?

Or indeed other ways to add spells to spell lists in general?

I just made a guide for this kind of thing

As far as I can tell, only Anti-Paladin 10/Agent of the Grave 5 can get you that. While I'm a fan of letting players have off-list spells if they fit the character concept and aren't too powerful, Magic Jar is a VERY good spell.

If you and your GM want to work on it, I'd reconmend an archetype in line with the "oath" archetypes for Paladin, which add some spells. Replacing any Oath with "against" with "of" (or vise-versa) I feel is a great start for figuring out how to make one of these (Oath of the Wyrm, Oath Against Charity).

Nice guide!

I did see Agent of the Grave but a 5 level PrC is going to kill the concept and doesn't get running till 15th level.

Hmm a summoner made staff (so the highest level spell is 4th*) with a spell also from the antipaladin spell list (for recharging) might work, if an improbable find. Using UMD of course.

*Not sure staves even work like that.

This lools like it would work with the wording of Fiendish Boon...
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/r-z/summo n-slave-crystal

I don't think ANYTHING will get running till at least 13th level, as that's when you get 4th level spells.

A staff with UMD likely is your best bet.

You could always look into doing spell research on it, if your DM will let you.

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