Frostfell's Flight of the Phoenix (New 9th level Spell)

Homebrew and House Rules

Liberty's Edge

Author's Note:

I hate the shapechange spell. Sure, it gives you the "versatility" and "option" to change forms mid duration, and sure, it has a 10 min/level duration instead of a 1 min/level duration, but that's all you get. If you're changing forms just for a single combat, against a final boss or a powerful creature that you need 9th level power to defeat...there's no option. Longer duration and formshifting or not, the shapechange spell offers you up to 8th level spell power. So, without further ado, I present my 9th level transmutation spell.

The spell is Wizard 9 because it was created by my character, Stark Frostfell, who is a wizard. As a spell that was researched and specially created by a wizard, it can only be cast by copying it out of his spellbook. (Even a sorcerer with a scroll of it can't use it)

Frostfell's Flight of the Phoenix
School Transmutation (Polymorph) [Good]
Level Wizard 9
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F (A phoenix's tail feather), M (See Special)
Range Personal
Target You
Duration 1 minute/level (D)


This spell allows you to assume the form of a true phoenix. Your size becomes Gargantuan and you gain darkvision 60', low-light vision, a +8 racial bonus to your Perception checks, and detect magic, detect poison and see invisibility as constant spell effects (caster level equal to your caster level).

You gain 2 talon attacks and 1 bite attack as primary natural weapons. Each talon deals 2d6 damage plus your Strength modifier. The bite deals 2d8 damage plus your Strength modifier, and an additional 1d6 fire damage.

You gain a land speed of 30' and a fly speed of 90' (good). You also act as though you have the Hover feat.

Your reach with your weapons becomes 20'.

You gain a +12 Size bonus to your Strength score, a +10 Size bonus to your Constitution score, and a +14 natural armor bonus. You gain the [fire] subtype, becoming immune to fire damage, but gaining vulnerability to cold damage. You gain DR 15/Evil, and Regeneration 10. Cold or evil weapons or spells do lethal damage to you. You gain spell resistance equal to 6 + your caster level.

You lose the ability to cast spells while in phoenix form, but any 6th level or lower spells with the [fire] subtype that were prepared by you when you cast this spell become available to you as spell-like abilities that you can cast at will with a caster level equal to your caster level. The DC to resist these spell-like abilities is equal to this spell's DC.

You gain the Shroud of Flame supernatural ability (as the standard phoenix). The DC for the Reflex save is equal to this spell's DC.

Additionally, once per year, if you would be killed while you are in phoenix form, you rise from the ashes in 1d4 rounds (unless your body is completely destroyed by an effect such as disintegrate). You come back with 1 permanent negative level and full hit points, as if you were revived by the spell resurrection. You cannot be resurrected if your body is slain while on desecrated ground. After this effect is used, all further castings you have of this spell (including spells you cast from a magic item) will not allow you to resurrect yourself until one full year has passed.

You have the option of not including the resurrection in the effect as you cast this spell (and you don't have to include it if you already have been resurrected within the last year). If you wish to include the resurrection effect in a casting of the spell, that spell has an additional material component of a diamond worth at least 10,000 gp (The diamond is consumed and you are not refunded even if you do not die and resurrect during the casting).

Liberty's Edge

Any feedback on this spell at all? I want to know if it's properly balanced before I present it to my DM.

Any suggestions you guys can make would be appreciated.

First of all, I'm a fan of the phoenix. I believe the idea of transforming into one would be really cool, but there are a few areas I would look at when designing such a powerful spell.

The focus is great, ties the spell thematically to the phoenix and the task of getting the focus could be a quest all on its own. The material component, spell-like abilities, and resurrection parts of the spell seem a little sloppy though.

I would get rid of the material component and give the spellcaster full access to all of the spell-like abilities and supernatural abilities of a true phoenix, including resurrection. However, if the resurrection ability is used, the focus (the phoenix tail feather) is destroyed. Depending on the GM, a character could easily abuse this by gathering a bunch of tail feathers from a phoenix. On the other hand, if the tail feather can only be used for the spell if it is both freely given and from a phoenix that hasn't used its resurrection ability in the last year, it might cut down on potential abuse.

Remember, by casting the spell, your character isn't just transforming into any old creature, he is representing the noble and pure phoenix.

Liberty's Edge

Pheoran Armiez wrote:

I would get rid of the material component and give the spellcaster full access to all of the spell-like abilities and supernatural abilities of a true phoenix, including resurrection. However, if the resurrection ability is used, the focus (the phoenix tail feather) is destroyed. Depending on the GM, a character could easily abuse this by gathering a bunch of tail feathers from a phoenix. On the other hand, if the tail feather can only be used for the spell if it is both freely given and from a phoenix that hasn't used its resurrection ability in the last year, it might cut down on potential abuse.

Remember, by casting the spell, your character isn't just transforming into any old creature, he is representing the noble and pure phoenix.

Unfortunately, for balance purposes I cannot give the caster the spell-like abilities of a pure phoenix. That would allow the caster access to the spell mass cure critical wounds 3 times as a spell-like ability, which is an 8th level cleric spell. Not even the mighty wish spell allows a wizard to duplicate an 8th level cleric spell, much less 3 times with one casting and no expensive component. Same thing with fire storm (another 8th level cleric spell). So, in addition to all the goodies of being a true phoenix, I would essentially be giving the caster 6 Stilled Silent 8th level cleric spells for one 9th level spell slot...with no expensive component.

I initially had the same thought process as you, but from a balance perspective it just isn't possible to allow that kind of power in a wizard's hands from just one spell slot.

Liberty's Edge

I guess I could grant him the at-will and constant spell-like abilities and wall of fire 3 times as a spell-like ability and just leave mass critical cure and fire storm out of it.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
NeoSeraphi wrote:
I guess I could grant him the at-will and constant spell-like abilities and wall of fire 3 times as a spell-like ability and just leave mass critical cure and fire storm out of it.

The spellcasting abilities you're allowing for fire spells is more than sufficient.

Liberty's Edge

Okay, so here's the rewritten context:

Components: V, S, F (A phoenix tail feather from a phoenix that has not resurrected in the last year)

You gain the phoenix's Shroud of Flame and Self-Resurrection supernatural abilities (DC equal to this spell's DC for Shroud of Flame).

Special: If you use the Self-Resurrection ability, at the end of the spell, the focus component is consumed in ash and becomes unusable.

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