Unable to Collapse Forum Categories

Website Feedback

When I clicked on the triangle to collapse/hide the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game forums, the entire listing of threads and forums vanished until I refreshed the forum page. Afterwards, the forum category I had attempted to collapse was still expanded.

While I use Chrome, I've duplicated the effect in FireFox, Safari, and IE wherein I confirmed that it is not just limited to the PACG forum. Additionally, I'm unable to expand previously collapsed forums such as Customer Service, Beginner's Box, etc.

And yes, I disabled Stylish (which I only have installed in Chrome and FF) to ensure that it was not the culprit.

Linkage: Screenshot

Hope this helps.

I'm getting exactly the same issue, it's not just yourself

Using Firefox mainly, but tried with other browsers


I also can't open up subforums. Neither can some other people.

I would've started my own thread in website feedback, but.....well, you see my problem....

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I have a simliar problem. I'd like to expand a forum that I had collapsed previously, but all I get is an empty page and nothing changes when I reload the forum page.

Shadow Lodge

Thought now that Gen Con is over I'd boost this one to the top as well. I too am having this problem.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Still happening for me as well.

Silver Crusade

Just came here to complain about the same thing, and noticed this thread.

I'm sure it's system-wide but people aren't trying it very often so we get few reports. But me too.

I'm having the same issue. And it's been this way for a while now.

Add me to the list of those with this problem. I only noticed it recently when I tried to open the adventure path forum and was unable to do so. All I get is a blank page. I can use workarounds to get to the forum, but it is somewhat annoying.

Shadow Lodge

I think it has to do with the new code behind the overall display of the messageboards. Another related problem I've noticed is when you reload the page now, rather than taking you back to where you were in the threads, it defaults to a specific spot in the list and now you have to renavigate to where you were.

MisterSlanky wrote:
Another related problem I've noticed is when you reload the page now, rather than taking you back to where you were in the threads, it defaults to a specific spot in the list and now you have to renavigate to where you were.

I've noticed this as well and had to change my browsing habits for the site. Instead of scrolling thru and clicking Back after finishing a thread, I'm now scrolling thru the whole forum and Ctrl+Clicking each thread I want to read so they open in their own tabs. It's not the most efficient solution, but it's a work-around...

I seem to be having the same problems opening or closing triangled subforums. (Using Opera 12.16 on Win8Pro, the non-webkit version)

Silver Crusade

I think we've probably reached the point where "me too" posts are no longer useful. It's obviously an issue for everyone, and I'm sure Paizo's tech staff have noticed this thread by now, so it's just a matter of waiting for them to fix it.

Laithoron wrote:
I've noticed this as well and had to change my browsing habits for the site. Instead of scrolling thru and clicking Back after finishing a thread, I'm now scrolling thru the whole forum and Ctrl+Clicking each thread I want to read so they open in their own tabs. It's not the most efficient solution, but it's a work-around...

Just trying to be helpful; I've long developed the habit with forums of all sorts to middle-click pretty much anything I'm interested in. Middle-click opens in another tab. No need for two hands.

Good tip, although I've remapped my middle-mouse button to Ctrl+W (to close tabs more easily). :)

Just curious if this has been addressed by a Paizo person in any other thread?

I realize they may have addressed it somewhere else, it sometimes happens that way. :-)

Yes. I opened a thread about this issue and the PMG responded.

-- david

edit: HERE

Liberty's Edge

I just flagged this thread so that Gary and Co definitely see it :)

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

This bug should be fixed now. Sorry for the delay, it was trickier than I'd anticipated.

Yup, all good now. Thanks!

-- david

Thank You Gary. :-)

Paizo Employee PostMonster General

This code got shuffled around a bit today, so please let us know if you see anything hinky with expanding/collapsing forums. It should be working better than before but one never knows.

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