Time for the Tomb of Borrors!

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Liberty's Edge

Game of Thrones reference.


Sovereign Court

Oh that episode

Liberty's Edge

I head in.

Sovereign Court

Please make an acrobatics check

Liberty's Edge

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

"You guys really need to fix that bridge."

Sovereign Court

Nesod: You make it across with relative ease although you realize the wood on the bridge is pretty rotten and someone or thing that weighs more than you might have a bit more trouble.

Upon arrival at the other side you are asked to surrender your weapons and are given assurances that they will be well protected by captain denmon.

Captain denmon says "Times are hard around here, this land is cursed, cursed I say"


Liberty's Edge

"How so?" I say as I hand them my weapon.

Sovereign Court

Capt D "Huh, oh sorry that was unprofessional. Forgive an old soldier of his ramblings. Would you like to wait for the rest of your friends here or in the study"

I'll cross as well. I don't really have a weapon, and I doubt they want to cuddle with my citrine jelly buddy.

Sovereign Court

Jenny: Please make an acrobatics check, you are correct they want no part of your jelly friend

Liberty's Edge

"Here, and I really do wish to hear more."

Sovereign Court

Nesod: please make a diplomacy check

Liberty's Edge

1d20 - 2 ⇒ (2) - 2 = 0


Sovereign Court

Nesod: Capt D gives you the evil eye and storms away muttering something about rude guests.

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Going to cross the bridge

skill check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

acrobatics check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Sovereign Court

AMS and Jenny: You both make it across

AMH: He cannot wait for a pleasant sit down with you.

That leaves Nasty, Alissa, the bear, AMH, the otyugh, gazebo and the rogue on the other side

It is a reference to something that happened in my home city.
A Lord and Lady got married.
They invited all the noble family far and wide saying a big feast was to be had in celebration.
They were asked to leave their weapons at the door as a courtesy.
When they were all seated at the dinner table the Lord said "Let the feast begin."
And the guests were devoured by a hoard of vampires and werewolves, which were the Lord and Lady's true forms.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

Sovereign Court

Alissa: You and your bear easily make it across and are given assurances that their will be no vampires or werewolves feasting on you tonight.

A butler approaches and beckons you to follow him into the study.

Reluctantly hands over bow.

BTW - Bear is shrunk down and hidden in his usually carrying place.

Sovereign Court

*looks over older notes from ROG* "Oh yes, the bear trap"

You are lead inside just as the rain begins pouring down, The once grand furnishings and tapestries are faded and covered with a thick layer of dust and cobwebs.

You are all led into a grand room dominated by a large stone fireplace at the opposite end from whence you entered. Above the fireplace and along the walls are oil paintings of landscapes and people from a lost age unlike the rest of the manor this room has been kept up, there are oversuffed couches and chairs around the fireplace and a couple of decanters of wine as well as glasses are on a wooden table in front of the couches.

The exterior of the room is surrounded by various stuffed beasts/big game heads mounted to the wall as well as the full sized replicas posed in various attack positions.

You all pick up the smell of roast beef wafting through the room as the butler says "Please have some wine as Lord Balamos will be joining you soon"

Liberty's Edge

I will cast Detect Magic.

Sovereign Court

Nesod: There is a faint aura of transmutation, probably a cleaning/preservation spell.

Liberty's Edge


Sovereign Court

Oh sorry, all over the room

At about that time Lord balamos enters

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I am Balamos please make yourself at home"

*At about that time, the servants bring out platters of steaming meat and veggies*

"I must say I rarely have visitors, but something you said outside made me.....curious"

* He walks in further and sees nesod and stops in his tracks jaw drooping*

Liberty's Edge

"Hello. I must ask, do I know you from somehwere?"

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Liberty's Edge

"Healer, how exactly did you get your...temper?"

It wasn't dragon blood, that's for certain. Hmmm, maybe a cerebral scan when I'm high enough inlevels and experience?

I have a temper, but he is just viscous.

Sovereign Court

I suspect AMH will be happier when he is knee deep in blood and gore

AMH: Might I sugest you switch deities? Choppy or Hacky would be happy to have you.

Since Alissa goes in Nasty follows.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
He has no problem handing over his gore drenched battle ax to the soldiers and he gives them a big toothy smile as he does it.

"Here is my weapon. We see the lordy guy now?"

Sovereign Court

Nasty: As you are walking across, your left foot goes through the rickety bridge....but you recover and make it across. The guard holds your axe at arms length and asks if you would like it cleaned.

I must admit I have never been a religious man, however upon seeing you I believe those rumors I have heard since I was a wee lad are true!

Sovereign Court

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With that he points to the portrait above the fireplace...at that point a particulary large lightning strike outside illuminates the room and you all see a portrait of a man who is a dead ringer for nesod...minus the mask.

It... looks like... a human?

Liberty's Edge

"You'll forgive if I don't take it off, correct? I am in a sorry state at the loss of the stick."


Sovereign Court

Jenny: Kinda sorta

AMH: or acne

Nesod:"What stick do you speak of?"

Liberty's Edge

"Wait...how do YOU know me?"

That portrait *He points to the one above the fireplace* is of my great,great,great grandfather swizel whom after leading a battle to save lichberg was elevated to sainthood.

It was said that he would return if ever a great threat would ever beset our land...it seems those stories were true.

Sovereign Court

Balamos does not know your name, I just put your name in front out of habit, sorry for the confusion

Liberty's Edge

"Yes. Of course. The stick is gone, taken by those who would abuse it's power, and I sense something...off...in the Tomb of Borrors."

Mentally:Well, that explains a lot.

I have heard reports of your battle in the town, That stick has been in our family since swizel made it many decades ago.

It was made to protect this land from.....he who must not be named.

*Thunder booms*

It seems fate has brought us together for I need that wand back to restore this land and the enemies you seek possess it.

Liberty's Edge

"Hell yeah! They tried to take my gir...fellow comrade...hostage!"

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