
Lord Balamos's page

19 posts. Alias of Tin Foil Yamakah.


OP: What is the DC to jump a 10' pit

Elbedor wrote:

The end result is if the pit is 10ft, I need a DC 10.

Simple enough, that. :)

Wow 2 posts

Minor character in a much bigger game

Nesod the Monkchinegun wrote:
Not even AM H or I could have spread that much wanton destruction. how are we going to get our magic god-slaying weapon from Lord Balamos now???

*Emerging from the choas looking dishelved, dusty and confused, lord balamos asks you all

"What happened to my manor?"

AMS: Yes there will be magic!

Light?...Oh that's my bedroom

Dragons are epic and rare creatures that are rarely seen...However their is a rumor of a particulary nasty one in the boorior peaks.

What supplies will you be needing?

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Ranger Alissa wrote:
What's in it for us?

Fame, adulation, money, power and quite possibly demigodhood everything a growing adventurer needs

Nesod: Long ago in days of yore, there was this evil powerful wizard who raised this powerful army and waged a terrible war on humans, elves and dwarves.

After a long and terrible struggle the human, elven and dwarven kings came together and forged a weapon capable of banishing the fiendish wizard to the nether regions for his power was so great that he could not be destroyed.

Swizel a great historian in his own right set his mind to figuring out how this great evil could be defeated once and for all. He eventually crafted his wand to be the final piece to the weapon that would for once and all destroy this evil forever!

The fiendish wizard now seeks to return and enslave us all in eternal darkness *louder thunder*

That is why I must have that wand!

I will provide you with a teleport device to send my wand back to me, upon receipt I will send you a weapon capable of harming...He who shall not be named!

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The gemini killers are in the mines of booria an old dwarven kingdom now overrun with evil stuff. If we are lucky they have not yet discovered the kings chamber.

In the king's chamber you will find a key that will take you to the tomb of borrors.

That is the question that I hope you brave adventurers can find out. If I had to guess it probably has something to do with enslaving the world in eternal darkness *more thunder and lightning*

Uh...those candies are more for decoration as they are probably 30 years out of code

Is it not enough that he had your comrade kidnapped?

Perhaps I misspoke, The gemini killers are the orc and half orc whom kidnapped your ranger

No they are most definetly not friendly

*Looks around* Oh that one...butterscotch hard candies.

I have a proposition for all of you if you can recover my stick, I will provide you with a weapon capable of defeating your true enemy, for the 2 half orcs who can only be the gemini killers are minions of...he who cannot be named! *insert thunder and lightning here*

Nasty: To speak it's name is to invite unwanted attention upon ourselves

I have heard reports of your battle in the town, That stick has been in our family since swizel made it many decades ago.

It was made to protect this land from.....he who must not be named.

*Thunder booms*

It seems fate has brought us together for I need that wand back to restore this land and the enemies you seek possess it.

That portrait *He points to the one above the fireplace* is of my great,great,great grandfather swizel whom after leading a battle to save lichberg was elevated to sainthood.

It was said that he would return if ever a great threat would ever beset our seems those stories were true.

Nesod:"What stick do you speak of?"

I must admit I have never been a religious man, however upon seeing you I believe those rumors I have heard since I was a wee lad are true!

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I am Balamos please make yourself at home"

*At about that time, the servants bring out platters of steaming meat and veggies*

"I must say I rarely have visitors, but something you said outside made me.....curious"

* He walks in further and sees nesod and stops in his tracks jaw drooping*