Chaining Adventure Paths

Homebrew and House Rules

Grand Lodge

I am trying to find a way to give my players incentive to play more than one adventure path. We will be starting with carrion crown. I was thinking of bumping up their point buy by 5 for every completed adventure path or something along those lines. Any suggestions?

I don't think increasing their points is much incentive, at least for me. My incentive to play comes from how much fun and excitement I'm getting from the adventure, not how good my stats are. Your players could be different, but fun is an essential rule when making any game. If your players don't want to complete and play more adventure paths, you need to come up with an incentive that will make the adventures more fun or rewarding, not easier.

For instance, "unlocking" new things could enhance the experience, like a well-designed class/race from a different rpg system that isn't normally a part of pathfinder. This technique is used in video games a lot to get you to play over and over, even if it is the same thing. Mind you, if you do this unlocking feature, you need to make a wide array of unlockables so that there is something that would appeal to each player.

It might be difficult with Carrion Crown, but it could be fun for the players to have some kind of distant relation to the heroes of the former AP, who are still part of the world. Nothing big, but it underscores their sense of achievement and it could provide some kind of boon. Of course it works better with the APs that are intrinsically linked but high-level characters are very mobile.

Shadow Lodge

Something that I failed to realize when asking this question myself:

APs assume you start off as a nobody and approach max level over the course of a year of real-life play.

In that light it may not make sense. For example...

How many characters actually survive those odds?
How many level 18s would feel challenged by the CR 2 content at the beginning of the next AP?
Etc, etc.

It might make more sense to approach each AP as a separate commitment.

Do you mean you are trying to encourage your group to be willing to play one adventure path from beggining to end and then start another after that with new characters?

Are you having difficulty getting them to commit to play it all the way through or something? I dont really understand what the issue is. Is there another way to use the APs? Or do they just not like published adventures?

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